Convert my sites menu bar into a paragraph menu on mobile device.

  • Hello all,

    I have a question about my sites menu bar.

    I was noticing that some sites have a “normal” banner type menu on the desktop version then they switch to the paragraph looking menu format on phones.

    That function doesn’t seem built in with my theme but I was wondering if anyone has or is willing to take a crack at writing some CSS to do that?

    I’m using the Pique theme with a premium plan and have access to the CSS section.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there, the menu in Pique is designed differently and is controlled by Javascript and we cannot edit those theme files, and it is not something that we can achieve via CSS.

  • Hi

    If I wanted to change it and Java is the only way who would I go to or where would I start.

    Thanks, Thesacredpath

  • In order to do that, you would have to self host your own installation of the on a different hosting service. Then, if you have good knowledge of php and Javascript, you could make this change.

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