Continue Reading Not Showing Under Excerpt On Home Page

  • We can not get the continue reading link to show under the post description on the home page. We want it so show just a few sentences under each post and then say ‘continue reading as a link as shown on the demo. We are using the Sapor theme. We have used a page break/read more within each blog post but its not showing this on the home page. Can you please assist. Thank you in advance.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there!

    I can see that you’ve currently set your home page as a static front page. Static content will therefore be displayed on that page, and not your posts. It’s not possible to add a “Read More” link to a static page.

    If you’d like to create a separate posts page to display a listing of your site’s posts on, then you can following these steps:

    Set the Homepage

    Sapor will automatically create excerpts on the posts page and add a “Read More” link.

    If you’d like a little more control over the excerpts then you also have the following two options:

    * You can create a custom excerpt by heading to the editor for a post and entering text into the Excerpt field under the More Options module.

    * You also have the option of inserting a more tag at the place you want the “Read More” link to display on your post. The button to insert a more tag can be found in the toolbar of a post’s editor.

    Hope that’s helpful! Let me know if any extra questions come up.

  • Thank you for the update. We currently have the home page now set to display recent posts. The excerpts were deleted so that the ‘read more’ link would show. It seems that the read more link only will show if you have so many characters displayed. Example, it will not show after only one sentence, but will show after 3 or 4 lines of text. Is there a way to alter this setting, or just to know how many characters must be displayed before the ‘read more’ within the post will show on the home page. Thank you for your assistance.

    Also, to confirm, if we do set up excerpts within the post, only the excerpt shows. Not a continue reading link. That is why we removed the excerpt. Is that correct? Or should continue reading show after the excerpt if we have one written within the post under more options? Thank you again!

  • Hi there,

    After some testing, I can confirm that the “read more” link isn’t generated when using the more tag or custom excerpts with the default “Standard” post format in the Sapor theme. I’m sorry for not spotting this prior to my original reply, it’s a little inconsistent with how themes generally work.

    The “read more” link will display alongside posts that have 55 words or more.

    Additionally, the more tag or custom excerpts will generate a “read more” link when used with the following post formats:

    * Gallery.
    * Image.
    * Link.
    * Quote.
    * Video.

    As a workaround, you could change your post’s format to any that I listed above in order to have a little more control over your excerpts.

    With the Sapor, the only visual indication that you’re using a specific post format appears in your post’s byline and can be hidden with the following custom CSS:

    .entry-format {
    display: none;

    Let me know if you have any questions around the above. I’ll be happy to help further.

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