Continue Reading for theme Able

  • Hello,

    I really like the free theme Able! And from their live demo, i can see if the article is too long, there is a “continue reading” button at the bottom. But when i was trying this theme, no matter how long my articles are, it always shows all the content and there is no “continue reading” button shows up.

    Any idea?

    Thanks in advance !!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hello. :)

    Able displays the full content of a post by default, however, there’s a couple of ways that you can create excerpts:

    • You can place a More Tag at the point you wish for the “continue reading” text to appear. More information on the More Tag, including steps to add one, can be found here:

    • Another option is for you to create a custom excerpt:


    Take a look through the above guides and let me know if any questions come up.

  • This is great, i ll check it out:) Thank you siobhyb!

  • You’re most welcome! :) Feel free to start a new thread on this forum if any extra questions come up, too.

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