Continue Reading button cutomization

  • Hi,

    I have seen a few posts mentioning that the link does not always have an approved translation and remains in English on foreign language sites.
    My site is in French and I am facing this case with the Maisha theme. Would anyone know how I may change the text of the link via with CSS?

    Thanks in advance for your time,


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Let me add that, unfortunately, none of the existing posts answered this particular problem.

  • Hi, The French translation on Maisha has not yet reached the 85% threshold for it to be pushed out. It is at 76%. If you are interested, you can find out more about helping with translations here.

    Due to the way the button is done in the HTML, there isn’t a way for us to change the text with CSS. In some themes this can be done, but not in Maisha.

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