Content Management Questions

  • I have questions on behalf of a business client that I need help with. She could not find these answers on the site, and there is no way to contact WordPress for support. Please answer the questions as detailed as possible. We appreciate your assistance.

    Are there limits to the number of pages or bandwidth for each of the premium plans available?

    Do any of your Premium plans support multiple administrators of the web pages? In particular, we’d like to have a webmaster with access to everything and then have other individuals who are able to make changes to certain designated web pages as limited-access administrators?

    We are a small professional organization (about 300 members), and we’d like to link with to help with that aspect of our website. Are there any fees associated with linking with a membership management system like that?

    Is it possible to export our website for backup and/or portability?

  • There are no bandwidth limits or limits to how many pages/posts you can have at The only limits are for uploaded Media which varies from 3GB to unlimited depending on which plan you choose.

    There can only be one owner of a site. There can be more than one Administrator if you really find that necessary, although it is not recommended from a security point of view. Other user roles are Editor, Author, Contributor etc

    You are able to add MemberPlanet links to self-hosted sites using the software so I presume you would be able to do the same here with a Business plan but as I’m only guessing I have added modlook for staff to advise you on that.

    Content of your site (but no menus, widgets, themes) can be exported to an .xml file for backup/installing elsewhere.

  • Hi @marlyannedifruscio, @themagicrobot is spot on regarding bandwidh quotas and admin roles.

    Can you clarify this?

    we’d like to link with to help with that aspect of our website

    Are you literally adding a link to a menu, are you embedding something from their site, or do they have a plugin they want you to use?

    If it’s literally just adding a link, you can do that, no problem.

    If they want you to add code to the site, mind this (at least with free, personal, and premium plans):

    And, if they need a plugin, note you can add plugins to a site hosted with us if you use our business plan:

    But if that doesn’t help much, send more details about how you want to link with MemberPlanet and we’ll try to point you in the right direction.

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