Contempt theme: changing the pagebar gradient

  • I am using the Contempt theme on and would like to change the gradient of the pagebar. The pagebar is the horizontal bar of links that appears right underneath the header image. See my site:

    I would like to change the color of this gradient. I’d be happy to simply overlay it with an image, if that is possible.


  • Do you have the CSS upgrade? It is showing up in your source of the page as:

    <ul id="pagebar" style="background: url(;">

    I would imagine that is in your CSS sheet and you can just change the background image or the color associated with .pagebar in your CSS sheet. You will only be able to change that portion if you have the CSS upgrade though.


  • I do have the CSS upgrade, and I realize that the image url you mention shows up when you pick the “view source” option from a right-click on my blog’s homepage. However, that URL is not changeable from my CSS page in It does not appear at all in the code.

  • This is yet another case of WP hardcoding presentational markup in the template instead of in the CSS where it should be. It makes a nonsense of the CSS upgrade. I do not why they do it. It is completely unnecessary and contrary to all good web dev practices and I have been campaigning against it for years. Flame away. :)

  • This is yet another case of WP hardcoding presentational markup in the template instead of in the CSS where it should be.

    Shouldn’t affect it though as the user CSS file is the last thing to load within the header and should override all of the rest of the CSS in the header.

    Should actually be blaming the theme designer for doing that actually, not staff.

  • Well WP pretty much rewrites all themes from the ground up. Even if there is a glitch in the original we could fairly expect them to iron it out. I think this CSS loads before the element in question. I do not think it will overide it but I haven’t tried it.

  • Well WP pretty much rewrites all themes from the ground up.

    *chuckle* No they don’t. :)

    I agree though that all of the CSS should be in the CSS file.

    Hmm, a quick look at the theme in question does show it loading the CSS within the file directly. Well, that does suck…

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