contact page published but content not showing in finished blog

  • The contact page is not being in found in the finished blog

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • As far as I see, both your ‘Contact’ page as well as the ‘About’ pages are not being found.
    This can happen when you change the title of your Pages and the ‘url’ underneath your title, does not change along.
    For example: You initially created a page with the title ‘Contact me’. The ‘url’ of the page would show: http://
    If you later changed the title of your page to ‘Contact’ instead, the ‘url’ of that page underneath did not updated to reflect that change.
    Instead, you now have a Page with the title of ‘Contact’ and the ‘url’ still showing: ‘http://…./contactme’, when it should show: instead.
    Changing this is easy. Just visit your pages and under your title press on the hyperlink icon that shows at the beginning of the page ‘url’. Manually change the end of this to reflect your page’s title.
    Make sure you click on the ‘Update’ box on the dashboard to save your changes. Do the same for your ‘About’ page.
    This should be it :-)

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