Contact Header

  • How can I make the contact header font to have the option of smaller or bigger for the viewer?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi @vistaeyecenter, I’m not quite sure I understand what you’re asking.

    You can make the headers bigger in general if you’d like. Are you wanting that, or are you looking for an option to let users make the fonts bigger or smaller on your site?

    If you’re looking for the latter, we don’t have a feature that does that. But most browsers do have that feature built right in via ctrl+ or command+.

  • Do you mean menu header or Titles?
    You can change the Title size in editor block. Size H1-4.
    You might be better to code a padding on menu header to make it stand out if you can’t change the font size.

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