contact form not working

  • my contact form isnt working i need help ASAP please Yes
    Correct account: Yes

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  • Hello there,

    Many thanks for reaching out.

    Are you able to confirm the URL of the website that you need assistance with please?

  • My contact form is not working either. stopped about a month ago and I’m just noticing it. Been working for years and now just stopped. Didn’t change anything myself. Using Dara free theme on I’ve troubleshooted, switched from the short code contact form to the native contact form in the theme. Even switched which email the form is suppose to send to and it’s still not working. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you.

  • Hello @awallen44,

    What is the issue you face exactly with the form? Is that you’re not getting entries through to the email inbox?

  • Thank you for replying Aleone89. So yes that seems to be the main issue, the emails are not coming through to the gmail we have it set to send them to. I have tested using alternate email addresses for the system to send them to, I have created a whole new page with a new form, still haven’t been able to get an email to gothrough successfully to the inbox. When submitting the contact form on the website it is saying that it successfully sent but it’s not actually coming through. I’ve checked the spam folders and still nothing. And the one big point is that the form worked well for 2 years but just stopped working last month. Any help is greatly appreciated.

  • Hi there,

    We can’t help directly because we don’t host on our managed hosting. As a result, we can’t take a closer look at your site.

    To clarify, we are a fully managed WordPress provider and we use a customized version of WordPress (different from what you use at DigitalOcean, for example) which is optimized for our infrastructure and offers the best performance possible.

    Because of this difference, we do not have access to your site (we can only access sites we manage directly) and are not familiar with the source of your issue.

    However, I did take a closer look at your site and was able to identify that the contact form on your site is powered by the Jetpack plugin. The good news is that help is available here at the Jetpack support forums, where they will be more familiar with your issue and better able to help:

    Hope this helps point you in the right direction!

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