Contact Form broken if Preview Mode

  • The Contact Form does not work in Preview Mode, wanted to check a contact form to make sure I had the email working correctly before the Post was published.

    Clicking on Submit caused the form to sort of work but not really, I get no this has been sent and do not receive the email.

    The Post is still in draft mode, Staff it is the most recent draft with the title below on it


    21st Century ATON’s & Waterways

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Can you make sure that you’re changing the email address within the email field prior to pressing send? I just tested a contact form on a post preview and the form worked correctly provided I changed the email address from the default email that is filled in since I’m logged into

  • I have changed the email address for where the form is to be sent – I have tried with both my regular address for the web site and put in another email address and the same failure

    The preview is broken (you as staff should be able to see the Post) or can create your own preview

    The request feedback URL will work properly

    so half broken


  • It looks like the issue here is with contact form previews on sites with custom domains. When you load the preview of a post, the URL will resemble what you mentioned, something like:

    If you try to submit something through the contact form on that preview, it will not work. However, the URL in the address bar will change to the mapped domain, like:

    If you then try to submit through the contact form there, the contact form submission will work. This happens because the original preview (with the URL) is different than the finished post URL after the post is published (with the custom domain). The discrepancy between the URL and the primary domain causes the contact form to fail at first. If you set the primary domain on your site back to the domain, the contact form will work on the first try in the post preview.

    The contact form won’t work in preview on the first try on custom domains. However, if you submit through the form twice (so that it reloads with the custom domain), it should work. Can you give that a try?

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