contact button in sidebar

  • Hi. Is there a way to allow someone to contact you via email without disclosing your email address? I would like to have a ‘contact’ button in my sidebar, but I don’t want to disclose my email address. If there is a way to do this, would someone please tell me how to go about it. Thanks.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • There isn’t a way to embed a contact form in the sidebar, but you could create a contact page and link to that from the sidebar.

    Here are the instructions for adding a contact form to a post or page:

  • thanks designsimply. i wanted to put the contact button in my sidebar, but according to the instructions for the contact form, that won’t work. i don’t understand how i would go about adding it to a page though. suggestions?

  • or how would i link to the contact form from the sidebar?

  • Okay, never mind. I’ve got it. Thanks.

  • The contact form can be placed on a static page and then you could post the link to that static page in a text widget in your sidebar.

    Adding a static Page >
    You can click Pages-> Add New in the left menu.
    Title the Page ‘Contact’ or whatever your choose.
    If you wish you can enter text above the contact form.
    Type (do not copy paste) [contact-form] on the Page.
    Publish the page and copy the URL
    > Dashboard > Appearance > Widgets
    Drag a Text widget out of the Available Widgets box and drop it into the sidebar box.
    Click the right corner of the Text widget and it will open.
    Paste in the URL for the page in the textwidget – example
    <a href="">Contact Form</a>
    Click “Save” and then “Close” on the Text widget.
    View your blog.

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