connections … new header not working

  • I cannot seem to upload a new header. I’m using the CONNECTIONS theme. It has the option to add a new picture…and I have a picture that is the exact size that is required…so I do not need to crop. But, when I upload, all I get is the little red x in the top left corner. I’ve tried saving my picture in different forms to see if that was the problem. JPEG, JPG, GIF, Windows Bitmap…nothing works. I’m missing something here!

  • I guess I’m just wondering if the picture has to be saved in a particular format…or what? I tried changing themes to see what would happen…same thing when I tried to up load the picture. I tried uploading the whole picture and just using the crop feature…but … that didn’t work either. Any ideas?

  • How about filling us in on things like filenames, sizes, etc. please? You don’t give us anything to go on I’m afraid.

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