Confirmation/activation link doesn't work

  • I just signed up with a free account, and it tells me I need to click the link in the confirmation email to be able to publish posts. Fine. So, the email arrives and I click the link – it takes me to the WordPress homepage. I try again, the same happens. I request the email be sent again, it arrives, the link still doesn’t work.

    I copy-pasted the link from the email into the address bar
    ( (some numbers here)), and tried that. Still no dice.

    I signed up again with a different email address (I use DoNotTrackMe to generate random email addresses that redirect automatically to my gmail account – my actual email has never been used on any website). This new account has the same problem.

    I typically use Chrome, but I have tried the link in Firefox and IE to no avail.

    As it stands I cannot use my blog(s), because I cannot activate them.

    Any ideas?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • What’s that = sign in the word activate in the link??

    Tagged for support team.

  • I don’t know, that’s how the link came.

  • Try removing that random = sign from the URL.

    If that doesn’t work, what is the username you tried to register?

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