Communicating with followers?

  • Is there an easy way to communicate with your followers other than: 1) Writing a new post or 2) Cut and paste their e-mails from site stats into a new e-mail?
    There maybe times when I want to notify them of a change or new event but that’s not “blog” worthy. Thanks for any help.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • No I’m sorry but there isn’t.

    Food for thought: I live in Canada where our email addresses cannot be used for any purpose other than the specific purpose we agree for it to be used for. As a follower of blogs I do not expect to receieve any email at all other than the posts that I subscribed to receive, and if my email were used for any purpose other than that I would immediately unsubscribe.

  • Timethief,
    Thank you so much and I figured that was probably the case.
    Can I ask if you or anyone has any suggestions for a way to request for a person to provide their e-mail for a reason other than to be notified of a new post?
    I am new to this and I wasn’t sure if there is a way to set up a “Widget” that might read:

    “Please enter your e-mail if you would like to sign-up to learn more about our group and receive additional communications about Local events”

    Thanks again for the initial response

  • use a contact form that clearly identifies that it is for some sort of news letter or whatever.

  • auxclass,
    Perfect! That is exactly what I was looking for and it should work great. It will require some individuals to take 2 steps if they want the blog and other communications as well but at least it will be clear.

    Maybe they can create an opt-in bottom when you subscribe to someone’s blog if needed.

    Thanks again all and Happy New Year,

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