Comments not loading on backend

  • Hello,

    When I access the comments section on the backend of my WP site, none of the comments load.

    On top, I see I have a total of 110 comments, with 2 in moderation. But when I click on the links above, none of the comments load, a message appears saying there are no comments.

    The comments appear fine on the front end, but I can’t load comments waiting for moderation. And those two comments pending in moderation are actually mine, I wrote them in response to previous comments on the front end of the site!

    The comments section used to work fine. I’m not sure when this problem showed-up, maybe with the latest update? I’m using version 4.6.1

    Thanks in advance for your help.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • The problem has been solved, though not rationally…

    To unlock the comments, I clicked on a link in an email to approve the latest comment. And miraculously, all the comments appeared!

    Problem solved.

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