Comments appearing at the top

  • I have gone through all the presentationformats in wordpress. In some formats, tags are given below and in some tags are given above. The number of comments, however is always displayed at the bottom. Instead if comments are displayed at the top, a visitor straightaway comes to know about the popularity of the post.

    The other advantage is that after reading a post, the second post is visible. If one is able to see the number of comments on that post, he maybe tempted to read that post also.

    Is there any way to do this? Even if you do not agree with me, the choice should be left to the blogger.

  • To have that choice you would need access to the template files, something for security reasons isn’t allowed at the moment.

    Also keep in mind the difference you note in placement of certain things from theme to theme is due to the different designers.

    The themes that are available are not produced by the team but various designers all over the world.

  • Thank you. I hope you will give an option sometime in the future as it has a strong bearing on the traffic attracted.

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