Commenters suddenly restricted to “anonymous” unless they are logged in.

  • Suddenly this morning a new commenting entry box appeared that does not allow a name to be entered unless the user logs in.  Consequently most comments now show up as “anonymous” instead of the usual handles they’ve used for years.  I have not changed settings.  How can I fix this?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • I would like to know also. The comments seem to be from people who follow my blog but I have no clue who they are! I don’t like this. I need to know who is commenting. Following this thread.

  • Hi @totebagger do you see the option to leave a name if you click on the email icon shown below? This is not visible when you are logged in to your account, but is instead found only if you visit while logged out. You can also use an Incognito window (or private browsing session) to visit, and you should see it that way too.

    @denisebushphoto which of your sites has this issue? Both? Can you share a link to a recent post so we can take a look?

  • staff-totoro  Thank you! I do see that option to leave a name when I click the email icon. I tested it a few times and it worked. However, there is a slight bug in that the comment is sometimes delayed for about 5 minutes in showing up, at least when you are not logged in. I wonder if that’s a feature to prevent frequent comments within a short period of time.

  • Thanks @totebagger

    However, there is a slight bug in that the comment is sometimes delayed for about 5 minutes in showing up, at least when you are not logged in. I wonder if that’s a feature to prevent frequent comments within a short period of time.

    Are you able to see them in your dashboard after they comment?

  • supernovia — I am able to see the comment right away in my dashboard.

  • Hi there,

    To be sure I’ve understood, you have noticed this delay when the following happens?

    • You get a notification of some kind that you have a new comment.
    • From the notification you click on the link to the post comment, so you can see it on your site
    • The comment does not appear to be published when you visit the post
    • You check back later (approx. 5 minutes) and then you see the comment

    Do I have that right? We’d like to retrace your steps and see if we can replicate the same issue so we can examine it in more detail. Thanks for the additional info!

  • No … the comment appears as ‘Anonymous’ instead of having the commenters name/screen name. It is apparent from the nature of the comments that it is a regular commenter but I, the blog owner cannot tell who it is because it Hs them as ‘Anonymous’. Here’s a link to my blog’s comments so you can see:

  • Thanks for clarifying, we’ve had a few different support discussions in this thread, so apolgoies if I got turned around there.

    To not appear as Anonymous the commenter would need to choose the option here. Clicking on it (which you can confirm if you visit your blog post while logged out or in an incognito window) will expose the option to leave a name or email, though neither are required of course.

    If you wish, you can require that folks leave a name and email with their comment (the email helps with spam filtering, and is not displayed to the public) which will avoid the issue of anonymous comments. You can change that here:

    Look for: Other comment settings: Comment author must fill out name and email

    Note that this is not the same as requiring that someone be logged in to comment. Only that they need to leave info along with the comment in order to submit.

  • @staff-totoro

    Here’s what happens on my blog when someone comments while not logged in but they do enter a name and click the email icon:

    Comments show up right away if I am viewing in logged-in mode.

    Comments do not show up right away but are delayed 3-5 minutes if I am viewing in logged-out mode.

    I don’t have notifications turned on, so I tested this with a few comments that I made.  I’m not sure if this happens consistently with all comments from logged out commenters.

    Thanks for all your help.

  • The delay sounds like a different issue from why this thread was originally created.

  • @denisebushphoto, can you please click here and ensure you’ve checked the box that says Comment author must fill out name and email ? If you don’t have that checked, users can comment anonymously, so check that, then scroll down and save the changes.

  • The problem is not with me … I am signed in. The problem is with people commenting on my blog. They come up as anonymous. See my blog’s comments for examples. Seems like this issue is being very confused with other problems raised in this thread.

  • I have done what you suggested. I am just afraid people who are not other bloggers may not want to fill out their name and email every time they visit. I have a lot of friends who visit my blog who do not have blogs of their own.

  • Hi @denisebushphoto, I agree there’s some confusion here, but my instructions are for your blog, not for your account. There is a setting on your blog that currently allows folks to comment anonymously. Please click here and ensure you’ve checked the box that says Comment author must fill out name and email. Let us know when you’ve done that. Thanks!

  • I have done that. Thanks!

  • Perfect. That should stop any anonymous commenters. If you see another come through, please let us know.

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