Comment form adds extra content as soon as I type a character

  • I’ve inserted the block for the Comment form, and also enabled comments. Everything looks good when I preview it. However, as soon as I enter a character in the form, some other text box with verbage appears below the form, and doesn’t go away –it’s very strange. I haven’t edited any CSS, I’m just a beginner. It seems like there is an issue with the Comment form. I’m using the Dara theme. The issue can be seen on the “BUY” page in my site.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hey there,

    I can definitely see what you’re seeing there and you can see I’ve just submitted a test.

    I suspect on first glance this could be the result of a plugin conflict. Would you be willing to temporarily deactivate plugins that have been installed in order to rule this out?

    Also, I notice via a CSS plugin that’s been installed, there’s CSS that’s been added, that relates to the comments box. Can you tell me if any customisation has taken place on the site in any capacity?

    Many thanks.

  • Thanks for your reply! No, I haven’t done anything to CSS but the only thing I did WRT the comment box with a field in the Discussion section of WP that allows you to change the default prompt for entering a comment.

    I did receive a reply from another support person but this form won’t let me paste here…She suggested a bit of code to hide the element ID ab-reblog-box. She said it looks to be the issue WRT the odd text display appearing below the comment box. She said I could add that in Appearance-Customize-Additional CSS:have so I’ll take a look when I’m in front of my PC. Does that sound like a solution?

    I’ll let you know what happens with the advice in your reply and/or the above re the ab-reblog-box.

    Thanks again!

  • “I did receive a reply from another support person but this form won’t let me paste here…She suggested a bit of code to hide the element ID ab-reblog-box.”

    The Staff here in the forums are the same support staff that helps you via live chat and email, so if that’s what they advised you to do, you should try that and let them know if that works or if you still have trouble.

    It looks like they replied to you earlier today as well, so please continue troubleshooting this via the email with support.

    Thank you!

  • I wouldn’t mind knowing if you fixed this. I haven’t been able to track down anything mentioning mentioning the div id=”ab-reblog-box” anywhere. It isn’t within any file across the whole site. I can’t tell what is inserting this but it has been driving us nuts.

  • Hey there @jh20001

    Are you able to confirm the URL of the website that you need assistance with please?

  • Hi, yes this has been resolved. Below is the solution that I was provided.

    “Add the following CSS code as the solution (at Appearance → Customize → Additional CSS:have #ab-reblog-box { display: none;}The code hides the element with the ID ab-reblog-box, which is causing the issue with the Comments Form.”

    i do have a couple of other outstanding issues that I haven’t received a solution for and would love to get help with. One is enabling subscriptions to comments (my settings are correct but the subscription feature never appears); Second is displaying vendorlist but the clicking on the store does not take you to the store’s individual page. I’m kind of at a standstill while waiting to get those issues resolved.

  • That is so fascinating. I considered adding that code to the custom CSS but was still obsessed in finding how it was being inserted in the first place. I finally tried adding #ab-reblog-box { display: none;} and even .ab-reblog-box { display: none;} to the CSS but it actually didn’t do anything o_O. This might have something to do with point #4 below.

    Some facts I noticed.
    1) It only happens if you are signed in
    2) It only happens in Google Chrome (ie, the reblog form does not appear for Firefox, even if logged in as the same user)
    3) It only happens when I have the theme setting for autoload next story (when the user scrolls to the bottom). The reblog form only displays on the following stories and not the initial post (post two, three, etc).
    4) I searched *all* files within the site (including the db) for “ab-reblog-box” and other unique words contained with the form (ie, “Add your thoughts here…”, “Reblog Post”, etc). The form is not contained or mentioned anywhere within the files or db. So it doesn’t seem to be getting inserted by any local inserts or the theme itself. Unless it is being inserted from an external source as an iframe or similar.
    5) The source code does not appear within the view source screen of the browser and only reveals itself within the inspect screen. So it does seem to be getting injected/inserted in live by something. Reinforcing that it isn’t a part of any of the included files on the site.
    6) The cancel link next to the reblog submit button contains a Jetpack-related link, but Jetpack team says it has nothing to do with them.

    My solution was to disabled the auto-load next post feature from the theme. That buried the problem for now. But it still remains a mystery.

    I didn’t disable “all plugins” and switch to a default theme only because the website is far too complex and has too much traffic, and we have no staging site to do it with as it would consume far too much hosting space to have a staging site. So we have to minimize when we do stuff like that….it is what it is.

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