Comment emails not being sent to me

  • Thanks nosysnoop,

    You are right… ’tis gone….

    Now if you can help me solve my email notification problem. ;-)


  • DrMike,

    Still have the same problem.

    I made a new post today.

    Then to test — I went to >Options >Discussions and deleted the check in the checkbox to send emails to me. Logged out. Logged back in and re-checked the “send emails to me” box.

    Logged out and made a dummy test comment an hour ago — which, in the past would send me an email fairly soon — and it has not. Still no emails from comments.

    Likewise, I have not heard from staff FeedBack about this.

    Patiently waiting, (maybe not very patient)


  • Unfortunetly I have no control over the staff members. I just help out here in the forums.

    Everyone uses the same file base. If the issue was on WordPress’ side, we would have folks in here complaining since everybody would be having the issue. If that check box wasn’t working for you, it wouldn’t be working for everybody else. I still think you might be auto deleteing them if they’re getting tagged as spam.

    Feedback sent again.


  • DrMike,

    Thanks — The spam system cannot be deleting them..

    I have filtered anything with WordPress anywhere in the email — to let it pass through. I took a comment email from a week back (when the email notifier worked) and sent it to myself through an alternate address — to test if anything with WordPress would pass through..

    It worked — there is nothing in the spam program that will mark and delete those comment emails as spam.

    I understand what you say about the universal database — but something — I know not what– is keeping comment emails from being sent to me.

    Appreciate your re-notifying FeedBack and I do also appreciate your volunteering your time to help.

    I don’t want to be a pest — but it sure would be nice and save some trouble on my part if it would just work!

    I just might create a new blog to see if email works from there.

    Thanks again, Jack

  • drmike is correct in that things breaking has a wave of emails heading toward me. If this was broken there would be a sticky post here too.
    I apologise for not replying to your emails.

    I have made one change to your blog which might help.
    I will try and check later that the emails are actually being sent.

  • Mark,

    Thanks for your note and for making the “change” — whatever you did…

    My comment emails now work… At least one that I used as a test came through fine.

    Thanks also for others of you on the forum who encouraged and tried to help.

    I just pray I won’t have to bother you folks again..


  • Mark,

    I hate to report it — but my blog shows several new comments and none of them have emailed comments to me(except my test mentioned in previous message).

    Back to the drawing board, PLEASE!

    Thanks, Jack

  • expreacherman – I am in the UK. The person who deals with this is on the West Coast of the USA. I do support, he does a ton of other tech things..

    You have the comments. You are losing no information.

    Please have some patience.

  • Thanks Mark,

    I will be patient as long as I know there is someone working on it.

    I still may open a new blog just to see if I have the same problem.. but I can’t xfer all my blog-stuff and lose my readership… But it will only be a test.

    Will wait.


  • @expreacherman

    This is an issue with your mail server. I have responded to your feedback with the information you need.

  • Barry,

    I feel I must disagree with you..

    My mail server works perfectly except when WordPress supposedly “sends” me an email. It apparently never sends an email — except once when Mark said he “made a change in my blog” then once and only once — then back to the same problem.


    Yes, I have all comments sitting on the blog but frankly it is a pain not to have the facility of email I started out with.

    I will create a new blog to see if it will work there.. and I will let you know the results.


  • Sorry you disagree. I sent you via email, the log entries that show that your mail server is not accepting connections from our servers — therefore the reason the mail is not getting through. Why this is I am not sure, you would need to contact your mail server administrator to figure that out. It will not work on a new blog since they are all hosted on the same cluster. You could change the email address to something else and that would work.

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