columns/photos on Ideation and Indent

  • is there any way I can “switch” my 2nd & third columns so that the pictures are all the way on the right hand side of the page?

    also, is there a way to code “inserting” my blog’s name into my header?

  • Hi there,

    is there any way I can “switch” my 2nd & third columns so that the pictures are all the way on the right hand side of the page?

    No, this is how the Ideation and Intent theme is designed, and the placement of those columns can’t be changed.

    also, is there a way to code “inserting” my blog’s name into my header?

    Your blog’s site title and tagline are automatically added to the header. You can manage that by going to Appearance > Customize in your dashboard. In the Site Title section of the customizer, you can edit your site title and tagline, and you can uncheck “Display Header Text” to remove them from your header entirely.

    Please let me know if you have any questions about that. :)

  • Thank you.

    Sharing: my posts are not automatically sharing with the social media that is connected for publicize function. why is that? I have followed the instructions to a “t.”

  • Hi there,

    Sometimes the connection between and your social media can get disconnected, so the first step is resetting the connection with these steps: Publicize – Reconnecting Services

    If that doesn’t fix it, please let me know. The following details will also help us investigate it for you:

    1. A link to one of your posts that wasn’t publicized correctly
    2. Which of your connected social media sites the post wasn’t shared with
    3. How you created the post (for example, did you go to Post > New Post in your dashboard? or use the New Post page at or something else?)


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