columns/photos on Ideation and Indent

  • I have 2 blogs I’m using birgerbird and burgerbird. they both have the same theme. One (birgerbird) shows 3 columns and the other shows 2. I want burgerbird to show a “gallery” of my photos like in birgerbird, but I don’t even remember choosing the photos as a widget or choosing a 3 column format. I can’t find anything ! Help!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,

    The photo sidebar is actually built into the Ideation and Intent theme. That sidebar shows images from your latest 10 posts that have image attachments. Up to 8 images will be displayed for each post, and each image links directly to the post it is attached to.

    It looks like yo have that photo sidebar on both blogs now. If you have any other questions about this, please let me know! :)

  • The sidebar is appearing but only shows 4 photos and I’ve posted way more than that . . . thanks!!!

  • There are a couple tricks to which photos show up in that sidebar, so let’s see if I can explain:

    1. The photos in your very latest post (the one at the top of your blog page) won’t show up in the sidebar when you visit your blog page here:

    However, you’ll see them in the sidebar if you’re on another page of your site, like this one:

    2. Images will only show up if they are attached to a post. You can check to see if an image is attached or unattached by going to your media library. (That’s under Media > Library in your dashboard.) You can check in the “Uploaded to” column. Images that are attached will have the title and date of the post they’re attached to.

    I checked the photos on your blog, and as far as I can see those two points explain why your other photos aren’t in that photos sidebar. But if you notice any other photos that are missing from the sidebar, and you can’t figure out why they aren’t showing up, please let me know! If you can link to the blog post with the missing photos, that’ll help me investigate for you. Please let me know if you have any questions about that. :)

  • I just attached the photos by going through the media library. I did not know I needed to attach this way in order for them to appear. HOwever, this did not work. My library shows them as attached to posts but they are not appearing!! so frustrating!

  • Hi there,

    If you upload the photos using the “Add Media” button when you create a new post, it will automatically attach the photos to that post. That way, you don’t have to go back and attach them yourself. But if you find unattached photos in your media library, you can go back and attach them from there if you need. The Ideation and Intent photo sidebar is a specific feature that only uses attached photos.

    I see that you now have a bunch of photos attached to your latest post, “Back to School Week.” As I mentioned earlier, the sidebar will only use 8 photos from each post (so it won’t show more than 8 from that post). Also, since it’s your most recent post, those photos won’t appear on the front page of your blog until you write another post. However, you’ll see those 8 photos when you visit other pages on your blog.

    Please let me know if you have any other questions about that. :)

  • But I attached like 30 photos and about 15 to older posts they are NOT showing up . I don’t like the look of my front page because the middle column is so short — too much open space

    Thank you so much for your help!!!

  • Hi there,

    Sorry, I must have missed the photos that were attached to older posts. Can you give me the names of some of those posts? I’d be happy to take a look at those in particular, to see what’s going on.

  • Hi Rachel all posts now have photos attached but the only ones showing are from “mornings are my favorite…” And “a ver civilized…” None of the other posts show photos in the sidebar even though they are “attached” in the media library

  • Oh, I see what you mean! I did some testing, and it looks like attaching the photos from the media library isn’t enough to add them to the sidebar. However, if you resave the post that has that image (by opening it in the post editor and clicking the Update button) that will do it.

    I went ahead and resaved your latest posts, and now your photos are showing up in the sidebar. Thanks for hanging in there while I sorted this out! If you have any other questions, please let me know. :)

  • one last and hopefully final question that should take care of all my simple blogging aspirations — what is the easiest way to “copy” posts or portions of them to a page on my site? I know the category function is useful in this regard in that it will direct readers to categories and specific posts but if I want to arrange them in a page, what is the most efficient way to do this. In other words, if I wanted to add the post Holiday Kombucha to the Recipes page, how would I do that?

  • This is actually a really important one: all of my social media connections on my page are accurate, however, when I push “share” button to facebook at the end/bottom of a published post, it goes to the WRONG facebook account and I’m not sure why. The facebook account it is to be published on is birgerbird not Sue O’Bryan. I also cannot change the email address on my account — every time I enter it it says it’s invalid, but it’s not ((email visible only to moderators and staff)). Very confused.

  • Hi there, let’s see if I can answer all of these questions for you. :)

    what is the easiest way to “copy” posts or portions of them to a page on my site?

    If you’d like certain posts to automatically be added to your Recipes page (instead of creating a Category Page for your recipes), I’d recommend using the Display Posts Shortcode. You can add that shortcode to any page to have links and/or excerpts from your posts appear there.

    Here’s an example of what that shortcode looks like:

    [display-posts category="Recipes" include_excerpt="true" image_size="thumbnail"]

    That shortcode will display a list of posts in your Recipes category, include an excerpt of the post, and show each post’s featured image in a thumbnail size. The support page for this shortcode includes other details about how the shortcode works and how else you can customize it.

    all of my social media connections on my page are accurate, however, when I push “share” button to facebook at the end/bottom of a published post, it goes to the WRONG facebook account and I’m not sure why.

    When you click a share button on your post, it will share your post to the account you’re currently logged into. So if you’re logged in to a different Facebook account, that’s where it will share the post. (The same is true for visitors to your blog. If I click the Facebook share button, that lets me share your post to my Facebook account.)

    This is different from the account where your post will be publicized with the Publicize sharing feature.

    I also cannot change the email address on my account — every time I enter it it says it’s invalid, but it’s not ((email visible only to moderators and staff)).

    That email address is already linked to a different account. Each account at has to use a unique email address, so you’ll need to either pick a different email address for this account or change the email address on the other account first. We have more information about that here: Issues Changing your Email Address

    Please let me know if you have questions about any of this. :)

  • Thanks but where do I put the short code? Di I cut and paste it inside the pst text???

  • You can enter the shortcode into the body of your page, in the page editor, when you’re editing your Recipes page. When you publish the page, we automatically convert the shortcode into the list of posts for you. :)

  • I tried this and my recipes page just included a thumbnail and link to ALL POSTS, not those tagged recipes.

    this is infinitely frustrating

  • You forgot to include the category part. I edited it for you. You can see the changes by viewing this revision:

    Let us know if you still have any questions.

  • Great, thank you . . . but how in the world would I ever know to do that? am I light years behind the average blogger . . . is there a place that explains useful codes and how to use them?

  • Rachel actually explained it and gave you the code several messages ago. :-/ shows everything you can do with that shortcode and there are many other useful shortcodes. See

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