Column Sizes

  • Hello,
    I’m using the Yoko theme for my writing blog
    I would like to change the size of the main column. It looks like it’s too close to the side bar and videos and right on top too. If it’s easier to change the sidebar and make that small I don’t mind that either.
    Also, when I write an article I always have a space in between each line.
    I don’t want to change themes as I like the header size and the clean look of the Yoko theme. Thank You … Isadora

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • If you make your sidebar smaller, the images and widgets displayed there are also going to appear smaller.

    In a web inspector, I was able to find the code that you would need to adjust the percentage of in order to decrease the width of your sidebar to the desired width.

          width: 23.775%

    You will want to play with this percentage in order to get it the size you want.

    As for the space between each line- double check in your publisher. Switch from the visual editor to the html editor. If you hit the return button instead of Shift+Return it will add that extra space in there. In the HTML editor you can delete those extra spaces. While you are in the visual editor it is best to use Shift+Return if you are entering multiple shorter lines of text that you want to continue on to the next line.

    Hope that helps!

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