Coherent theme – show date & reply on certain posts

  • Hi, I’m using the coherent theme to build a site for my consultancy.

    I want the posts that appear on the home page to look like a blog, i.e. for each post to be dated.

    I have also built a few other static pages and I don’t want the date to appear on any of those. I also want to hide the ‘reply’ fields on these static pages.

    Thanks for your help!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • You can turn comments off from within the page and post editor. First, open the page in the editor, click on Screen Options at the top right and activate the Discussion module. It should then appear below the post/page text area. Open that module and then uncheck both comments and trackbacks and then update the page/post.

    You currently have the entry dates on posts hidden with this custom CSS:

    .entry-date {
        display: none;

    If you wish the dates to show on posts, remove the above from your custom CSS.

    Static pages do not show dates, only posts will show dates.

  • Hey @thesacredpath, thanks so much for your quick advice! That is so helpful. I made the changes to remove the comments field on the pages i didn’t want.

    I also made that change to the CSS you advised and it did add the date back to the post I made, which is great:

    However, it has also added the date to of these 4 pages where I don’t want it to appear:

    Can you please advise how I remove the date from just the above 4 pages, but keep it on all of the posts that I write?


  • Hmmm, this is weird. I know of no other theme that shows dates on static pages. I’ll have to check with the developers on that, but in the meantime we can use the following instead which specifically targets pages by using the “page” CSS class defined in the opening HTML body tag on static pages.

    .page .posted-on {
        display: none;
  • That’s sorted it!!!!

    Amazing, thanks so much :)

  • You are welcome. I’ve requested removal of the date on static pages since the date does not appear on pages on any other themes here, as far as I can remember, but regardless, we have them gone on your site. :)

  • Hi @thesacredpath, I’m having the same problem with a static page using the coherent theme. I’m trying to follow your advice, but a little unsure of where to insert that code. I tried at the bottom of the “page.php” code. Should I be trying it somewhere else? Thanks so much for any help.

  • Oops, forgot to include the site. It is

  • Hi @dwbelliveau is a self-hosted WordPress (also called “.org”) site, so a little different from, which is what the questions in this forum are centered around.

    The best way to add custom CSS to your site is to add the Jetpack plugin, and activate the Custom CSS module included in that plugin.

    This will allow you to safely add the CSS that @thesacredpath gave previously.

    A note that we won’t be able to support the CSS on your site, as this forum is for site support, but the above plugin will at least allow you to use the code and make any changes necessary to work with your particular installation.

    Best wishes,

  • Thanks so much @staff-totoro, everything worked when I followed your instructions! If you don’t mind, I also can’t seem to get ride of the random line that’s on my site ( above the Social Locker. Do you have any idea how to do that? Thanks again for your help. I really appreciate it.

  • @@dwbelliveau
    You are posting to the wrong support forum for your software. We do not provide any support for any WordPress.ORG software installs like yours at all. We provide support here only for blogs hosted by WordPress.COM.

    WordPress.COM and WordPress.ORG are completely separate and have different username accounts, logins, features, run different versions of some themes with the same names, and have separate support documentation and separate support forums. Read the differences here

    If you don’t have a username account at WordPress.ORG and need support for that site in the future and if you do not have a WordPress.ORG account, then click and register one on the top right hand corner of the page that opens, so you can post to the support forums there.
    Resetting your WordPress.ORG password support docs are at

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