Coherent Theme

  • I love the way this theme looks with it’s full size header image to large photos in posts. Having said that though, it says in the tags that it is suitable for photography blogs. On a photography theme, the content should be upfront and with the posts on the front page, they should at least have thumbnails of the post images. Also, the mobile theme is not responsive; it does not look very good on my iPhone 6. One last suggestion – it was not intuitive to not have a “Home” navigation somewhere on each page. I added it to the slidebar menu as the demo exampled, however it took a few moments on my iPhone to try and figure out how to get back to the front page when I realized there wasn’t a way. A visitor will leave the website quickly with this kind of navigation trouble. If the theme developer sees these posts, would it be possible to add some, if not all three of these updates in the near future? Thank you.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • P.s. Could the menu read “Menu” instead of “Show” as well? It really isn’t clear what it is to someone who isn’t savvy. They won’t click it much less be able to find their away around the website. Again, it’s a beautiful theme and I’m thrilled to use it but the couple flaws that it does have, are pretty important. I hope the developer(s) will consider changing them. Thanks again.

  • P.p.s. Sorry… there are two other things, when you use a background image and choose the “fixed” option, on the desktop/laptop it does remain fix and the content scrolls perfectly and smoothly over it however on mobile devices it does not remain fixed rather it tiles and looks terrible. And, when you do opt to use a background image, the date stamp background is not transparent and appears as a block whereas the titles all lay nicely on top of the image. Unsightly.

    In the WP Admin under Appearance Mobile, it says it is Mobile ready but this combined with the lack of visible home navigation makes this absolutely not mobile friendly. I am going to have to use the Mobile view which is horrible and lacks any style whatsoever as opposed to the full view that says is mobile friendly. If it weren’t for the gorgeous full size header, feature images and full size post images (obviously as a photographer those are the features most desired) I do not believe I would continue to use this theme now that I’m digging a little deeper into it and wanting to use all of it’s features. The world is using mobile devices more than desktops or laptops and so all websites absolutely must be built with that view in mind. This theme doesn’t support that view well at all.

  • Hi there, thanks for all your feedback about Coherent.

    On a photography theme, the content should be upfront and with the posts on the front page, they should at least have thumbnails of the post images.

    That isn’t how Coherent is designed, so I’m wondering if a different theme might better suit your needs. For example:


    Also, the mobile theme is not responsive; it does not look very good on my iPhone 6.

    It would be very helpful to see a screenshot of what doesn’t look good on your iPhone (since it looks good on my end) so we can take a look and make adjustments if needed. Would it be possible to upload a screenshot to help in troubleshooting?

    Here’s a guide on how to make a screenshot:

    You can upload the screenshot – in a graphic format like JPG, PNG, or PDF – in your Media Library so I can see it. Thanks.

    Please also let us know the following information relating to the screenshot

    – what browser are you using – Safari?
    – what iOS are you on
    – just to confirm, are you on the iPhone 6 or iPhone 6 Plus?

    P.s. Could the menu read “Menu” instead of “Show” as well? It really isn’t clear what it is to someone who isn’t savvy.

    The reason it doesn’t say “Menu” is that there are also widgets in the panel overlay, so it’s not just the menu. We also won’t be able to make this type of change after a theme is launched, unfortunately, since it would affect all users, some of whom may prefer “Show.”

    P.p.s. Sorry… there are two other things, when you use a background image and choose the “fixed” option, on the desktop/laptop it does remain fix and the content scrolls perfectly and smoothly over it however on mobile devices it does not remain fixed rather it tiles and looks terrible.

    iOS still does not support the fixed-background option so that’s not something that can be changed in the theme.

    And, when you do opt to use a background image, the date stamp background is not transparent and appears as a block whereas the titles all lay nicely on top of the image. Unsightly.

    Could you please provide a screenshot of this so we can take a look?

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