Code for floating buttons

  • Does anyone have a CSS code that creates floating social media buttons for a WP hosted blog?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi, if a theme doesn’t natively support this, it isn’t something that can be done with CSS only. Since you are using a sidebar on your site, you could add linked icons to the sidebar in a text widget and then we could reposition it the side or something like that. Given the way your header is currently, we could reposition that text widget up into the header area to the right. We would have to do this using a Media Query and limit it to about 800px and wider screens/windows since it would end up colliding with your title/image.

    If you wish to add the text widget and the icons to your sidebar, I can then work on the code for you. Here are some useful links to text widget related support pages if you are not familiar with using them.
    Text Widget
    Text Widget Links
    Linking Images

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