Closed Window While Saving = Lost Draft?

  • I was very tired last night while working on a draft of a post. I had previously saved the draft. This was about the third time I had opened it to work on it.

    It got so bad that I was stuck in the middle of a sentence, unable to finish it. So I clicked save, getting ready to close up and go to sleep. Firefox’s spinner spun for some unknown time (tired, remember?) and at some point I got impatient. I closed the window and went to sleep.

    This morning, there’s no sign of my draft: neither the version I was working on last night, nor any of the previous drafts.

    Is this what you would expect?

  • It should still be there is you had saved it. Is it not displayed along the top of your “Write Post” page under a heading of draft? (Let me know if you need a screen cap of this. I have a ton of them.)

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