Closed thread, without my consent.

  • Hi @Supernovia,

    You closed the thread,
    because you said I have two open,
    when each are different subject.

    And the freeze is not corrected.

    So could you please, allow to talk to someone ?
    I don’t want to re‑open the same theme again.

    Thank you.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Did you read the answer a Staff member gave you at It gives you a very clear explanation and solution for the freezing problem.

  • Thank you Staartmees.
    But there is no reason to close it anyway.
    May be I have something to say. After.
    Good bye.

  • Like an answer to my question to @staff-blorbo,
    if he plan to display in reusable list page,
    the number of usage of each of them.
    To erase the block used just one time.

    Anyway I found a solution to these man made bugs,
    to work on localhost (with no freeze) then copy code in blog.

    And strangely in localhost, the HTML block are properly shown.

    So I just think it’s sabotage.
    (HTML not shown, no page selection as parent (in page edit), freezing bug, no reusable block creation or save anyploe, and next previous link bugged. All reported.)

    Maybe I’m wrong, but my instinct never make mistake.
    Dank / Thank you.

  • And the fact that some of them, suggest to go on host, make think me,
    that this is intentional. May be I’m paranoid.

  • Héllò @staff-blorbo, can you responds, please.

    Even if I erased some reusable block,
    the bug is not resolved,
    (You also need to tell me if you plan to show in R.B. page,
    the number of use or to use a plug‑in (with a buşineşş ?).

    Few days after my contact with your support,
    I received a offer of 50% sale and I dô‑n’t subscribed because it’s still expensive pro me (1300€ and I have to go to my pays).
    And I dô‑n’t like this kind of commercial offer.
    When you can give it for free.

    Anyway this trouble is still present.

    And I dô‑n’t think that erasing R.B.,
    will change this.

    You need to find a solution.
    And also you need to tell and write what is the number of reusable block,
    with basic WP ? In the dedicated page if we have limit’s.

    I dô‑n’t understand why R.B. is a trouble ?
    Since it’s the same MySQL data‑base.
    And we dô‑n’t use the +1600 R.B. at same time.

    If it’s when it search for one that cause the block bug,
    or at start of editor,
    then correct your engine.

    Thank you. Waiting for your response.

  • Allo @staff-blorbo ?

  • will have some reduced staffing in the forums for the next two weeks to give everyone on the team time to spend with their families. So it can take several days before @staff-blorbo will be online to answer you.

  • @staartmees Ha, o.k., thank pro your explanation.
    Have all happy new year and joyful holyday’s.

  • Hello, @staff-blorbo, Can you respond. Please.
    I need to make Reusable bloc.

    Thank you.

  • Hello, @staartmees I don’t have any response,
    are they still there & alive,
    or down because of CoViD‑2019 ?
    I’m worried for them.
    Thank you.

  • Hello @nemzag, I’m sure they are alright :). Use the modlook tag in the future to mark your thread as requiring staff assistance, I have done it already so long, and I’m sure someone will get back to you as soon as they are available.

  • Ḩôpë şhë’s ḩêlʰp me @ggmoyo !
    with this @modlook tag, the class !!!
    Ktʰangţë‑êlahë you. Ḩappy‑day & lõng‑leifë.

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