Close account

  • I no longer have a account with plug and profit site or Home business ideas. I don’t have time to do these things.

    Thank You

    Harriett Clark (hclark62)

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • is hosted with PLUGINPROFITHOSTING.COM and not Suggest you get in touch with the support team at PLUGINPROFITHOSTING.COM to close your site.

    There is no option to delete your account.

    However, if you wish to leave permanently simply remove all personal information from your Account Settings ( and change your password to a random string.

    Additionally, you can change the email id associated with your account to a temporary one. This will leave your account inactive and prevent you from gaining access to it in the future.

    I hope this helps. Please reply to this if you have any questions.

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