Clicks from Twitter/ views issue

  • Hi

    I’ve noticed that in the last few days, clicks from twitter are not appearing as views or visits on my Jetpack stats. I’ve waited for a hour to see if they appear, but nothing. Interestingly, Twitter data will show clicks on my links, but those visitors and viewers don’t show up . Any help?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Howdy –

    Thanks for getting in touch. Let’s make sure I’m looking at the same thing. Can you share a link to where you’re investigating the stats from?

    For what it’s worth, this sort of niche content should do well on Tumblr. I noticed that wasn’t included with your current social media.

    The Twitter feed is working on the site as well. Did you notice if that changed at all recently? There have been lots of things happening at Twitter and the connections aren’t working as reliably as they did in the past, which is out of our hands.

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