‘clicks’ does not seem to work

  • point taken – but what’s to say he didn’t have a mount montezuma? ;) i guess that doesn’t really matter to me, though i can see how it should matter to you and others like you. to me, i just care about hits. i recognise good posts by me when i receive a lot of comments in it.

  • @ timethief: …and all I wanted to know was if I was correct when I saw that the clicks feature on the dashboard was not working.

    I’m glad I had the pleasure of making you laugh, though. Thank you for your *warm* welcome to me on this forum.

  • I’d like them to “stay” too, but first they need to “come.” The more eyes that glanceth, the more that therefore may linger. The FEEDS counter (and watching it grow) is a very nice way to guage how many of the glances were sticky ones.

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