‘clicks’ does not seem to work

  • On my blog – kimbooktu – the new ‘clicks’ feature on the dashboard does not seem to work today.

    I can see people are clicking on the links via the ‘top posts’ section. The ‘clicks’ section stays empty. Other days the clicks list is quite long, so it is strange there are no clicks today. I’ve tried clicking on one of the links on the computer of my financée. Again, nothing appeared in the ‘clicks’ section.

    Can anybody explain this, or is something wrong with the new ‘gadget’?


  • It stopped working on my dashboard too.

  • Thanx for letting me know. Now I know there is nothing wrong with my blog in perticular. I hope they fix it soon.

  • The stats program is beta and Andy has invited input via feedback. He rarely has time to visit the forum but I’m assuming he knows there is a problem and is working to correct it. These things do not concern me at all because I have a sitemeter installed on my blogs.
    Are you aware that you can add a free stats counter to your blog? http://faq.wordpress.com/2006/07/28/can-i-have-a-statcounter-on-my-blog/
    Here are some instructions that may be useful depending on which one you choose http://faq.wordpress.com/2006/05/20/how-do-i-add-a-counter-using-a-widget/
    And here is more information on stats http://faq.wordpress.com/2006/02/09/questions-about-stats/
    I hope this helps you. :)

  • I have a stat counter on my blog. I just wanted to make sure everything was in order with my blog. And let others know an application might not be working properly. Plus, I find it interesting to see which links are clicked on. So it is a shame it does not work.

  • TT, the free version of sitemeter doesn’t have this feature, or if it does, I’ve never managed to find it.

  • @kimbootu
    I couldn’t see a stat meter on your blog at http://kimbooktu.wordpress.com/ so I offered the information and links. *lol*
    <HUMOUR> It’s hilarous to find that here I was worried that you actually didn’t know about the counters you could use when you’ve got stats reports coming out of your ears. Oh well I wasted my time and not yours, right? *roflmao*. You stats junkies do make me smile. :D

    I could care less who clicks in and then clicks out for a few seconds – and yes! my sitemeter stats do show me this (the time spent in my blog). Page view stats are more meaningful to me. But to be honest I really don’t spend much time on stats at all. I can’t remember when I last studied my sitemeter reports instead of just skimming over them – usually I just receive them by email and file them away for future reference. *lol* ;)

  • I really like the Clicks feature, and it worked really well until the past 24 hours. Hope it is sorted soon.

  • Because I don’t understand I would like to invite other bloggers to tell me what exactly it is that they “like” about this feature. How important is it that someone clicked in and 30 seconds later clicked out? WordPress.com does not allow pay-for-click so what useful purpose other than falsely bloating stats and egos do this 30 second wonder hits serve? Unless or until I can also see exactly how long the “clicks” stayed on my blog I have no use for this feature. But perhaps I’m missing something obvious and illuminating so please reply.

  • For me, it’s not a cynical issue of “importance” (falsely bloating stats, pay-for-click, etc.) as a member previously hypothesized. My own view is a simple one: it’s interesting (for me) to see which links viewers might be finding useful to them. I don’t see the big deal–if someone doesn’t care for the links feature, don’t look at it. Simple solution.

  • I don’t see the big deal–if someone doesn’t care for the links feature, don’t look at it. Simple solution.

    You sound like Mark. :)

  • @disembedded
    I certainly hope you didn’t take offence and all get huffy. I’m talking about “clicks” not “links”. If another blogger gives me a link and it results in a flood of 30 second wonder clicks I will not be impressed and will know that those stats have no value because whoever clicked did not even bother to read my post.
    On the other hand their curiosity could be appeased by the snap preview feature and provided they didn’t find it annoying then why bother to click the link at all.

    *lol* Mark never looks at stats and is put off by all useless cutesy sidebar “tat”. :)

  • For me, it’s been great. I can now clearly see that my visitors are clicking on the medical resources and references. Maybe I really am too much of an inquisitive geek (as if such a thing is possible) but it’s cool to observe others seeking information. Can’t wait for this feature to start working again! :D

  • I like to know what about my blog readers find attractive and what they don’t. If nothing else, it has relieved me of the guilt burden when I post a quiz; they LOVE those, although quite frankly I just use them as filler and get a bit of an ego-kicking when I see that they’re more popular than, for instance, my electric toilet rant which took well over an hour to write. Imagine: people prefer finding out which Impressionist painting they are to hearing about my fears I will die in a Toronto public washroom, unmourned.

  • @eclecticgeek & rain
    Yes, but I don’t think you are absorbing my point. Counting clicks is cool if we lso are informed as to how long every clicker (or is it clickee?) was on the page. … sheesh … I’m lobbying for more not less …

  • yeah, i like to know what links i have that makes my readers click. then i can remove the unpopular ones… and yes, quiz posts are tremendously fun-ner for the readers than the blogger. perhaps because it’s universal and not personal.

  • @sulz
    Do you think the added feature of knowing how long each clicker (clickee) stayed on the page, like we do with sitemeters, is worthwhile having too?

  • Yes, it’s useful. If nothing else, when they click away almost instantly I know that I’m better at writing titles than I am at grabby content. But sometimes, as with “Beaver Shots” this does not upset me unduly.

  • i dont see why. but why do you think it’s useful?

    it boggles me sometimes to see how long they stayed at a page over through sitemeter at my other blog, because i’m wondering if it is really because they’re earnestly reading my posts (great) or if they left the page opened while they run to the toilet to take a leak. :(

  • @sulz
    In a nutshell I want to become a better writer and
    I’m of the same opinion as rain … when they click away almost instantly I know that I’m better at writing grabby titles than I am at writing riveting or, at the very least, meaningful content. I have visited many top blogs and made notes on what I found in the comments. Many blogs have commenters who leave one liners and who sounded like privileged members of an old boys club. This does not impress me. When my sitemeter stats show me someone form from example Vancouver clicked in on a particular page of my blog, viewed 4 pages, clicked out on the 4th page and spent 44 minutes in total on my blog I’m pretty sure they were reading what I wrote. When my sitemeter shows me someone from another place clicked in on 1 page and clicked out 30 seconds later on the same page that tells me something in the title grabbed them but the writing didn’t.

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