Classic Stats: How to set TWO, not closed.

  • One thing that really irks is when WP closes posts that are clearly not resolved. It’s like they take their toys and go home. Such bad customer experience. Clearly they know what is best for us and don’t really care what we think.
    I read the last post in the thread and at this point I’m merely amused. Something about a two-column layout. Hello, in web design, that doesn’t even mean anything. Two columns on what? A phone, a tablet, a PC? Clearly the basic concepts of responsive web design got lost somewhere along the way, if they were ever understood at all.
    The root of this whole topic is you are trying to roll out a single form factor to multiple platforms, whereas the same information should display intelligently on each platform.
    Loud and clearly people were not asking for any improvements in the desktop experience, they just wanted it left alone. You are not listening to your customers, you are trying to improve something that was good enough. Work on the mobile experience, but PLEASE NEVER DEPRECATE THE CLASSIC STATS PAGE. Then we can stop following this sadly amusing topic and you really can close the thread.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • And can the smarmy avatar. It’s insulting on top of everything else. Run it like a professional company, not like a bunch of teenagers at a pizza part.

  • There are two old Stats pages and they are both available from the classic dashboard. You can go directly to the classic dashboard by logging in here:

    The old Stats pages are

    1. (really old, “classic”). Link is found in the dashboard admin panel in the “Dashboard” drop-down menu (clock symbol).

    2. (kinda old, “super classic”). The link is found in the dashboard navigation menu, in the website title drop-down menu.

    Or just add a bookmark to a bookmarks toolbar.

  • dandelionsalad suggests bookmarking the other classic admin pages too.

    Classic Notifications Page:

    Classic Editor is cookie dependent, so you must click to use the classic editor (link at the bottom of the Beep Boop, too-blue editor) and it will last until you delete your cookies. I also suggest bookmarking this link: replace with the name of your blog, obviously.

  • If you read my post, you would get that I was following the last post and that I get that they are there, but thank you anyway.
    All I want is assurance that they will stay there whilst WP does whatever asinine revamping they want on the new stats pages. Clearly from the last thread WP, are the only people who care about the new pages and they can do whatever they want with them as long as the rest of us can continue to use the tools we prefer. That’s all that people were asking for and it would’ve been nice if WP had made some, any, indication that they had heard any of the 400+ voices who had chimed in. Instead they seem to be plowing along undeterred by anything as trivial as customer feedback.

  • If you read my post, you would get that I was following the last post and that I get that they are there, but thank you anyway.

    You’re welcome.

    Note that I tagged this thread for Staff to take notice of your issues, concerns and feedback. Please subscribe to it so you are notified when they respond. To subscribe look in the sidebar of this thread, find the subscribe to topics link and click it.

  • Awesome. I can look forward to them closing it. ;-)

  • Well, if you’ve said it all before then I guess it’s realistic to expect that they will say thanks and close the thread, no?

  • Thanks timethief for adding the additional info on the classic admin pages for ease in navigation, however, there is one correction.

    2. (kinda old, “super classic”). The link is found in the dashboard navigation menu, in the website title drop-down menu.

    The link for the “old Stats” page with the map is through the classic dashboard then click “View All” on the Stats module. WP changed the location after Dec. 10th when that comment was first made by musicdoc1, I believe.

  • Two things notably irk me about the new stats page. One is the inefficient use of screen space on desktops as mentioned before, and this can be solved by allowing the sidebar to be collapsible. The second is that the visitors and views graphs are now separate. Having the two graphs superimposed allowed me to get a good look at the visitors to views ratio; having them separate makes it much harder to see that ratio.

  • @dandelionsalad
    Thanks for that clarification.

  • You are welcome, timethief. Thank you again for all your time and effort on the Forums.

  • tpenguinltg, yes, having a collapsible sidebar would help considerably when using a desktop. That suggestion came up when the “new” Stats page came out in Dec. as I remember suggesting it myself as well as other bloggers. It makes sense to spread the info into the widths of our monitors instead of wasting the space.

    More clicks to view anything is more work for us. I agree with you about the views/visitors, too.

  • Timethief,
    I’m sorry, I do appreciate your interest and feedback. My sarcasm is entirely directed at WordPress who seem to have taking nothing from the last thread, despite many time-consuming, detailed posts by interested users.
    All “complaints” about the new page are solved by retaining the old page. It would’ve been really nice if instead of the, basically unrelated, message that closed the thread if WP had said: “We hear you. The old pages will not go away.” Then we could ignore whatever misguided things they continue to do with the new. That would be an intelligent way to close a thread: by resolving it. Not by tossing in a last word and preventing response.

  • We’re working really hard to incorporate constructive feedback while still moving forward. As was explained in the thread Jeremey was working on with you, the thread got way too long to be useful for users looking for help or for us to keep track of.

    Closing threads doesn’t mean we’re not listening. It means that the thread has passed a point of helpfulness. You’re always welcome to start a new thread, like this one here.

    As for your requests for the old pages to indefinitely remain available, none of us can make that promise. We do not have any current plans to remove the classic WordPress dashboard.

    @tpenguinltg – Both of these suggestions have already been logged for our developers. Moving to the two column view on desktop is just one step. If you have any new suggestions, I’m more than happy to pass them along as well.

  • @jontobey

    I’m sorry, I do appreciate your interest and feedback. …

    Not to worry as I am not offended. I’m as peeved off as all the other desktop users who have posted are. Well, maybe I am even more peeved off but I am not an investor in Automattic. I have been here for over 8 years now helping free of charge without expectation of any reward for doing so (the is what volunteering means), and I know when to stop making myself crazy and move on.

  • @shawnajroberts
    That’s good to know. As you had mentioned, the thread got too long and I didn’t have time to peruse the whole thing.

  • Looks like we just got a dose of “Be Careful what you wish for”, now that the two column stats has been implemented. The enormous sidebar is still there (and because I have a 16:9 screen, 40% of it is blank space). The result being when looking at referrers, I can barely see the whole domain of the link, and the hint that Firefox normally displays when you hover over a link doesn’t appear, so the only way to see the URL of a referrer is to visit it. That worked properly in the classic stats. And there are two icons taking up a lot of space that shorten the displayed URLs even more. I’m not even sure what the Globe icon is meant to signify.

    That’s one WordPress design decision that has always bugged me, the way it forces everything into a format more suitable for cash-register tape. In the Reader, for example, if the threading goes deep enough, the comments can go off the right side of the narrow window a post appears in, with no horizontal scrolling.

    But back to the stats, the Map is miniscule, and clicking on a country name does nothing but highlight the name. In the classic stats, it would zoom in to the region. Helpful for small countries.

    AH, fiddling with it, I just discovered that you can get a wider view of an individual stat by clicking on its header. Better for the referrers, but does nothing much different with the map.

  • Thanks for your feedback drmauser! Our developers are still experimenting with ways to increase the overall width of the content area. I can’t make any promises if or when it will happen, but I want you to know that they are looking at it. :)

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