Classic gallery block

  • Unless I’m mistaken, the classic gallery block seems to have some features removed recently. I don’t see the tiling option(s) for the gallery in the editor and pages that have worked fine for years are now corrupted.

    Am I just overlooking something?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there!

    In order to troubleshoot this, it would be best if we could take a look at some of the galleries that are currently not working. Would you mind sharing links to the pages where I can see the corrupted classic gallery blocks?


  • Ok, but my question is: where did the tiling option go? I’m not sure an example page will be of any help in answering that.

  • Hey there,

    Many thanks for that example.

    I suspect there may be some confusion happening here. With the classic block, the tiles in a gallery are known as a thumbnail grid, whereas you can have a completely separate and different tiled gallery in the block editor.

    I notice you’re using classic blocks in conjunction with block editor blocks – out of curiosity, is there a reason to opting for one against the other for different galleries?

    Looking forward to hearing from you!

  • Yesterday, that page looked much different. All I did was update the page and now it’s all screwed up. I can see now the problem is the tiling option for the classic gallery has disappeared. What did you do to the classic gallery and how do I get the page back to what it looked like yesterday?

  • @rodrigospacecraft, a few questions:

    • If you go back a revision, does it look fine? It would be helpful to see what you were seeing, so please let us know.
    • We have a “Tiled Gallery” that you can access if you type /tiled or a classic block, where you can add a gallery and choose tiled as the option. Both of those still seem to be available. Can you clarify how you were accessing the one you were using?
  • I would love to be able to show you the way my page looked before yesterday, but as I’m trying to explain, I can’t. The act of simply doing an update broke the page. This is similar to the problem I reported a couple of weeks ago with images in stacks that are now broken because of a recent change made in wordpress. I was told in that thread that my only recourse is to change the design of my page!

    I’m not seeing a tiled option with the classic gallery. However, I’m just guessing the lack of the tiled option is related to my problem since the images in the gallery blocks are no longer tiled, but the bigger problem is: simply doing an update broke all the classic gallery blocks on that page. I can assure I did not touch all of those blocks. I simply did an update to add some text at the top of the page.

  • Bump. I’m not seeing a tiling option for the classic gallery.

  • Hi @rodrigospacecraft,

    simply doing an update broke all the classic gallery blocks on that page

    Did you try going back a revision to see if it would help?

    Types of WordPress Editors » Restore a Revision of a Page or Post
    5 min read
    The WordPress editor autosaves your work and stores a revision history for each page and post on your site. This guide will show you how to restore an earlier version of a page or post. How to Save While editing, your changes are automatically saved to your local device every 15 seconds and online about once per minute. At the top-right of the editing screen, you’ll see the notification mo

    Also, may we make a copy of the post (draft only) so we can experiment with the settings?

  • No, that doesn’t help. As I’ve tried to explain again and again, I made no change, so there is nothing to undo. Consequently, no, nothing changes when I undo.

    My page changed when I did an update. I made no changes to all those blocks that used to be tiled, but are no longer tiled.

    I’m quite certain wordpress developers made a change that broke the classic gallery block. Is there any further proof you’d like me to provide?

    I know you’re busy and I appreciate you trying to help, but needing to repeat this over and over is frustrating.

  • But if you think making a copy of the post would be illuminating, sure, go ahead.

  • My page changed when I did an update. 

    Ah, I had understood this as an update to the page, based on this too:

    All I did was update the page

    Can you clarify what update you were referring to?

  • If you look at the diffs in the revision history, I made one small change 3 days ago, then did an update. When I did that, all the classic gallery blocks on the page changed in their appearance. I made no changes to all those gallery blocks.

    I went through a similar annoyance a few weeks ago with the stack block where wordpress developers introduced a bug. The bug became manifest when updating a page.

    Based on that, I’m surmising that a bug was introduced recently to the classic gallery. I’d be happy to be proven wrong. If so, please show me how to get my page back to the appearance it had prior to 3 days ago.

    It looks to me like the problem is tiling was inadvertently removed from the classic gallery. You claim that’s not true, but I provided a screenshot above to support what I’m saying. My efforts to get somebody to respond to that in this thread have been unsuccessful.

    I’m referring to this update button.

  • Maybe the reason my posts in this thread are being ignored is because you’re not seeing all the posts from me? I count nine posts from me in this thread, including this one. How many do you see?

  • I see all nine posts, some, repetition and some misunderstandings. I was able to get my questions answered by copying the post, though, and experimenting with that, so thanks for granting that permission.

    I checked more settings and noticed Jetpack > Modules > Tiled Galleries had been deactivated altogether. I turned it back on for you and the tiled galleries are back.

    If you didn’t turn that off yourself, there may be a conflict with one of your other plugins. The one that puts borders around images seems most suspect, since it also works directly with images and could affect the math behind tiled galleries.

    Can you have a look now and see if the Paintings page looks correct to you?

  • Aha! Mystery solved, thank you.

    No, I did not change my jetpack settings. However, on Sept 14th, aleone89 says he changed my jetpack settings in an effort to troubleshoot another problem.

  • Gotcha; I see you mentioned layout issues then, too. There is certainly a performance tradeoff when using tiled galleries: Jetpack basically has to get the dimensions for all images and lay them out accordingly. That happens in the browser level, and it gets worse if you have a lot of images that need that treatment; possibly worse still if you have multiple tiled galleries on a single page.

    If you wanted to improve performance and keep tiled galleries, you could reduce the number of images on each page by subdividing them a bit. It may make sense to use pages and child pages rather than posts in that case. It could be a bit of work to set it up, but if that interests you, let us know if you need help or ideas!

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