Chicklets – A Better Name

  • Does anyone have a better, more professional, or more creative name for the chicklet section of their sidebar? I’m talking about the various little graphics that link to blog directories, blog readers, blog tools, social bookmarking sites, offsite file storage sites, site meters, etc. I’d like to call this section something more descriptive than Chicklets, but I can’t think of any quick title that really sums up what these do. It’s really annoying me.

  • I would probably go for ‘random sidebar clutter’, but am aware that doesn’t sound very professional.

  • Affiliates
    I just visited ptvguy’s site and I’m so flipping jealous I could scream. A whole “stable” of chiclets and nothing to worry about but naming them, eh? Well, how nice for you [she said sarcastically while wiping tears from the corners of her angry eyes].

  • ‘random sidebar clutter’ sounds terrific professional to me, I’d probably just prefixed it with ‘an obligatory’ or ‘a must have’.

  • Okay so you didn’t think “affiliates” sounded professional what can I say? Perhaps “kitchen sink” would suffice.

  • um, “affiliates” as adopted as sons sounds great too.

  • PTV, the Podomatic one on your site is 404ing by the way.

    “Blog Feed Reader Sites”?

    What you could do is view a couple of them and view the page source codes to see what terms they themselves are using within their Meta Description and Meta Keywords tags.

  • For now, unless someone comes up with something better, I’ve renamed it “Blog Services.”

    timethief: Don’t be jealous, most of those can be added without any membership on your part. Frankly, other than Podomatic and occasionally Blogarithm, I don’t use any of them. They’re included to make it easier for site visitors to use whatever service they already have. Also, I try to avoid words like “affiliates” or “sponsors” so that I don’t get caught in people’s spam filters. Norton is the worst for that.

    wank: “Random Sidebar Clutter” is exactly what all that is. However, it doesn’t really give a very positive spin to it. (And, yes, I know you were kidding. I think that you were kidding. You were kidding, right?)

    options: I think that “beads” is a great title. If mine were a more personal/informal blog, I’d probably go with “Blog Beads” for the title.

    drmike: Thanks for the heads-up on the Podomatic link. I called them, and they were recovering from a fire or something. They’re back up now. I nearly had a panic attack when I thought of all my carefully linked podcasts being lost. Also, the problem with the tags and descriptions of these sites is that they all perform different functions ranging from feed readers to favorites collections. I needed one all-encompassing title.

  • ptvguy – thanks for your kind words and most of all for the heads up on the fortunate word spin thing that one’s going into my for future reference notes:) I also [fingers crossed] was able to add a second “blog services” thingee that I belong to and as yet it has not developed the come and go syndrome.
    hmmmm drmike says meta descriptions and meta key word tags – that’s two more new phrases for my wikipedia search list… (sigh):)

  • Meta Tags: Rather lacking if you ask me. No details I’m afraid. A quick search looks like this might be of help to you.

    Good luck,

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