Cheats from

  • They set up websites and pretend to pay you for every click you do on their articles and also on every article you contribute. After contributing many articles and receiving no payment, you can file a complaint to them and they will remain silent all the time. When you put up the complaints openly on their site, their share holders will take turn to reply to each of the complaint. They will make it appears like you are the only one encountering this problem. They will appreciate their site profusely and convince the others that they have received their payments without any problems. One guy even pretended that he had received payments for twenty times.
    When I said there were share holders who pretended that they received payments from, one crony from there pretended to say that he did not know was selling shares on the internet. This is a very cunning way of pretence. If ten of you group up and run a website, each of you is a share holder. It is as simple as that.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

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