Chatbox is better than meeboo.

  • I still think that a chatbox that works like a chatroom is better than meebo.. everyone can chat with each other.. sigh.. i know there’s a security threat using java script.. maybe wordpress can see the demand of the chat box and try to resolve it for adding a chatbox widget..

  • And you sent this into staff via your feedback button, right?

  • Um, excuse my ignorance, where is the feedback button?

  • The former feedback button is blue and the label has changed to “Support”. It’s located on the top right hand corner of any dashboard/admin side blog page. It’s operational from 9 Am – 5 PM on weekdays. Staff monitor forum threads and act on anything that’s urgent.

  • In my opinion, why use chat box when you can always use “comments” box for your readers? That way you know that they care to read your blog.

  • @knoizki
    I agree with you. On one hand, I notice meebo and chatbox messaging is usually just personal chit chat and small talk that does not increase blog stats one single iota. On the other, comment boxes are where we find meaningful responses to our blog posts that actually increase our blog stats. :)

  • Never understood the thing about chat anyway :)

  • (whispers-onsite chat boxes in their latest incarnation as widgets are a holdover from the ’90’s /whispers)

  • (You’re right. It’s primarily kids that use them to text message in broken English. Their inane comments are so very boring {rolls eyes} and do not increase stats on posts. One wonders why a blogging host would even consider having these passe chatboxes at all, unless they are offered as a paid upgrade). ;)

  • hmmm i prefer a chatline or rather a tagboard than a meeboo, whereby i need to login to meeboo before my status turns online.. and meeboo have been giving me problems…
    like this — Oops! Meebo detected a network interruption.

    it’s rather…. ><~

  • @ prinxesrukia
    If you would like to share your preferences with those who make decisions then there is a support button (blue) and the labeled “Support”. It’s located on the top right hand corner of any dashboard/admin side blog page. It’s operational from 9 Am – 5 PM on weekdays.
    HTH :)

  • I think having a chatbox would be nice for comments that wouldn’t be related to any topic posted on the blog itself.

  • @japoxx
    The only “chatbox” widget we can have on blogs at this time is the meebo widget. If you want to suggest that another specific chatbox be added then please use the “support” button on the top righthand corner of any admin side blog page to contact staff, and being sure to include the relevant link to the chatbox you want. Support hours are 8AM-4PM (Pacific time) Monday-Friday.

  • Yea, but any other kind of “chatterbox” doesn’t work with WordPress! It would be great if it did though.

  • To do comment in wordpress is much easier than in blogspot. WordPress is simple in commenting. It would be more nice if along with meebo, other chatbox can also be used by wordpress.

  • Comments would be the chat box there is.

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