Changing themes: from Twenty Eleven to…????

  • I have been using 20-11 since the beginning of my blog half a year ago and love it, but I have been struggling with the limited posts format on the homepage and I am considering going sideways for a new theme.

    The (only) problem I have (but find very annoying) is that I can’t have more than a title for each previous post showing on my homepage when using the wonderful showcase.

    So, I am thinking of taking on a new theme, and would love to get some advices before I go for the big move. Again I really like the clear yet modern and just simply visual design of 20-11. I am looking for something with a similar feel / mood, and of course want to make minimal changes and keep its great features (showcase, sidebar, footer area 1-2-3….).

    I may be asking for the skies here, but I thought I would give a try. I am checking themes as we speak and was wondering if some of you wanted to share experience on wonderful / awful themes to absolutely go for or absolutely avoid, and if you guys had any experience in switching from 20-11 to the infinity and beyond.

    Many many thanks in advance, and a great week to all.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there!

    Based on your preferences, you might want to give Ascetica a try. It’s got a featured image slider and footer widgets, with a clean and simple design, somewhat similar to Twenty Eleven. With the Custom Design upgrade, you can tweak the fonts and colors even more to your liking.

    Here’s a link to all of the themes in our Showcase that contain a featured image slider:

    I hope this helps, and best of luck! Let me know if I can provide further assistance.

  • Thanks Michiecat! (and sorry for the delay)

    So far what I did is a search comparing (free) themes featuring:
    Custom Header + Custom Menu + Featured Images + Post Slider + Sticky Post / and my favourites so far are Sight / Super Hero / Oxygen / Widely / Untitled (although for this last one it seems only the title of the post appears on the homepage, which means… same problem…). I just need to do more research and some live preview see how they fit! Didn’t think of Ascetica first but will definitely add it to the list!

    Have a nice week end,


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