Changing theme on a new site

  • Hi, I’m rather new here and I was trying to change the theme on my new website to Hever theme. It showed like the activation was a success because I have it under “current theme” but when I tried to customize it, the old theme was shown. Did I miss something, do something wrong in the process?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi,

    See the Themes support page for relevant information, particularly the
    My Content and Switching Themes and
    My Theme Doesn’t Look Like the Demo sections.

    It showed like the activation was a success because I have it under “current theme” but when I tried to customize it, the old theme was shown.

    Switching to another theme has no effect upon the media library of a site. Therefore, the default images present in the demo of the theme that you switch to (some of which are called Placeholder Images and are present in the demo’s media library) do not come along with the theme switch. Also, any images that you’ve added to the media library and inserted into posts, pages, widgets, etc. will still be present after a theme switch.

    It’s normal on themes that some building is necessary to obtain a site that resembles the theme demo, and some default images, including header images and featured images, might be the same on multiple themes.

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