Changing the name of my domain?

  • Hello!

    I would like to know if you can help me with this littl’ situation: I need to change the name of my domain, without losing anything from the website (please, please, please). I would like it to be instead of

    It’s just the year that has to change. =)

    Do you think you can help us with your magic? ;-)

    Many thanks!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • As gemmacevans instructed on this thread, I have added a modlook tag to this current thread. Staff should reply soon.

  • Hi –

    The domain,, is outside of the refund window. Therefor, it’s not as simple as me cancelling it and you registering the new domain.

    Do you want domain to redirect to the new domain? Is this something that you’re going to encounter each year? Maybe an alternate domain would be better?

    Think about it. You can add a new domain any time via and we can help you get it configured.

  • I want to be able to pub on my advertising Or maybe I should pick up this domain: But, nevertheless, I need to change it… =s

    What will happen if I add a new domain? Oh yeah, I have to pay, is that it? If I do so, will I be able to transfer the content of onto the new domain?

  • Yes, when you pick a new domain you’ll have to pay $26/year for the domain registration. We can set it up so that redirects to the new domain.

  • So, if I pay only $26 I can buy That’s good. But will I be able to kinda copy and paste it on

    And, of course, redirecting sepaq2017 to sepaq2018 will be great (until the end of the contract, which is, I think, in February).


  • Yes, you can set it up so that what you have created on sepaq2017 will load with the sepaq2018 URL.

  • Hello! I’m back. =)

    I have bought Now, how can I copy-paste onto


  • I’ve updated the primary domain so that is what will display in the browser now.

    the 2017 version will automatically redirect to the 2018 domain. Even if a visitor enters the 2017 domain in their browser directly it is going to redirect to the 2018 one. Feel free to test that yourself.

    Write back with any other questions.

  • You’re very welcome :) Take care!

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