Changing the color of social media icons and tag clouds

  • I’m using the sketch theme for my website and when I changed the accent color the color of my social media icons and my tag cloud stayed the same default color. I was wondering if there was a way I could change the color of both to match my accent color.

  • Hi there, I’m not seeing a tag cloud on your site. I do see the Categories tag cloud widget. Is that what you are talking about? I’m also not seeing any social media icons.

    But yes, both of those can be changed to any color you wish. If you wish to add those to your site, I can figure out the CSS for you to change those to match.

  • @thesacredpath I’m having issues enlarging my site header to fit my “Oxygen” theme. Do you know any CSS code that could help? My site is -Thanks

  • thesacredpath – Sorry, I took down the tag cloud and the social media icons because I have to turn in this website for a class tomorrow and I couldn’t figure out the color thing. Thank you for being willing to help. If I put those widgets back up later (after I have been graded) would you be able to help me figure it out then?

  • Absolutely, just post back here and let me know when you have things back up and I’d be more than happy to help with that.

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