changing the “autodiscovered feed” URL?

  • Is it possible to change the autodiscovered feed URL to be my feedburner feed instead of my feed? (The autodiscovered feed URL is the one that is in the HTML HEAD section).

    My guess is “no”, but I was wondering if anyone more knowledgeable might know of a way to do it (like if there was a way I could create another autodiscovery feed in the sidebar).

  • engtech,

    This is not currently possible, but it is an option that we may offer in the future.

  • That would be great if you did, Barry.

  • I’m with engtech – yes please!

  • @offleyfencing
    Please don’t forget to send your request including your reasons for requesting it in to staff on Monday.

  • I’ll echo that request. Now that no longer supports feed stats – I would like to use a service that does. This would be a simple way to do that.

  • Please do not “echo” here. Please follow the instructions and send in a feedback to staff with your feature request and your reasons for requesting it on Monday.

  • TimeThief – please forgive a newbie response about the echo … still learning the use of the forums here.

    I’ve looked through quite a few docs on and do not see “where to send a request” as you’ve indicated. Any help here?

    Note I was even suprised when a “helpful” anonymous comment appeared on my own blog saying I should “Read” the thread and was looking stupid for posting here. Hell of an assumption … nice to see the forums are friendly.

  • There’s no need to apologize. And I’m not upset about the echo. I type this over and over day in and day out and I am of good cheer.

    Forum Page Support Button
    There is a “Support” button at the top of this page. On weekdays you click it and it opens and you enter your text. Then staff have a support ticket and will work to rectify the problem. However, on weekends Support is not open. Only urgent matters are dealt with. Staff has these forum on a feed and they decide what is “urgent”. This weekend WordCamp is happening so when you click Support
    You get this message:

    Support Temporarily Closed
    Support will be closed Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday while the Automattic crew gathers in San Francisco in preparation for WordCamp 2007. We will re-open Monday morning around 9AM PDT.

    Feedback Button Admin Side Blog Pages
    Also on your blog on any admin page on the top right hand corner you will find a “feedback button”. You click it and pnae opens so you can eneter text. The same thisng applies to use of this button – Support is closed on weekends and for WordCamp. Only urgent issues will be dealt with.

    Contact Support Button Dropdown – Front of Blog
    On the front of your blog on the far left hand side of the nav bar you will find a drop down menu with “Contact Support”. All the same applies as above. forums are “manned” by your fellow bloggers. We are unpaid volunteers with a wide variety of skills and experience. And I believe we are as friendly as the next person is. I don’t know who visited your blog and left an anonymous message. It certainly wasn’t me.

    I have all comments set up for moderation on my blogs and I insist on a name and email address. Would you like instructions for how to do this?

  • Excellant info – thank you. Will make the request on Monday.

    I moderate my blog as well – so the “helpful” comment was not posted. I require a name and email too though he just put in bogus info. Easy enough to deal with.

    Also – I didnt mean to imply it was you – sorry if it came across that way. I’ve read many of your interactions on other postings and feel the community is definately fortunate to have your help. Thanks again.

  • @devtocto
    We’re cool and I didn’t assume you meant me. I just wanted to make sure that anyone else reading this thread did not leap to that conclusion.

    We do have a helpful and friendly user community here so please don’t let one anonymous commenter turn you off.

    P.S. Sometimes things need to be said in more than one way for them to be understood. If you click on my username you will find it’s linked to a blog that I have founded strictly for providing beginner resources as an adjunct to the FAQs.

  • Someone have some info about the implementation of this feature?
    Manage feed may be important I suppose!

  • There is no such feature and we do not know if it is being considered by staff or not.

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