changing text on private page

  • Is there any CSS I can use to change the “This content is password protected. To view it please enter your password below:” text on a private page?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • That text is set as part of your theme and CSS is for making style (rather than functional) changes I’m afraid!

  • @, you can use the following CSS to replace the existing password protected text above the password field in Arcade. Just edit the “content” value as desired.

    .post-password-form p:first-child {
        visibility: hidden;
    .post-password-form p:first-child:before {
        visibility: visible;
        content: "This is my new text for the password protected pages";
  • Thanks, but it didn’t quite work. It made the previous text disappear, but my new text did not show up. Any ideas?

  • Hmmm, it worked for me when I tried it earlier. First off, you are using “above” instead of “before.” For content additions, you need to use either before or after.

    I just tried the following in your customizer and it worked. I’ve added the !important keyword to the visibility declaration in the second rule to make sure that the content is added.

    .post-password-form p:first-child {
    .post-password-form p:first-child:before {
    	visibility:visible !important;
    	content:"This private client gallery is password protected. Please enter your password below.";
  • Great! It works. Thank you!

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