changing site name

  • How to change name of site on wordpress
    That is blog url

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,

    changing a site title or tagline
    The Site title (blog name) and/or the optional Tagline can be changed on the top of this page at any time. > Settings > General … “save changes”.

    That is exactly where search engine spiders look for the site title and removing it from there can cause issues with getting your content indexed. Note that the site title (blog name) and blog address URL do not have to be the same but it’s better for SEO (search engine optimization) if they are the same.

    changing a address
    We cannot edit any blog URLs. If you want to change the blog address ie. the URL starting with http:// then you must be logged in as Admin under the exact same username account that registered the blog to do that and the URL you desire must be available. If so, then you can change the URL by using the guide

    Be sure to locate the correct page

    Changing a URL is a permanent and irreversible act. No changed or deleted blog URLs are recycled here, regardless of who registered and deleted them and no exceptions are made.

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