changing sidebar widgets

  • I noticed that when I change the default sidebar widget that normally contains Search, Meta and Subscribe, I lose the Subscribe feature (with RSS links to my blog and comments), and the Meta also changes to a different look.

    Why does the “Meta” widget change when I choose it? Also, if I had a link to my bookmarks, does this appear in the Links widget? Because I did this but it didn’t work.

    And how do I customize my sidebars but keep the “Subscribe” category? This doesn’t seem to be choosable in the dashboard, so it seems like if I customize the sidebar at all, I lose it.

  • What is the Subscribe Widget?

    Joseph Cheng

  • Apparently it only appears in the default of Andreas 09. It was added to Andreas so you can now choose it, but I don’t see it in any other themes. It just has the RSS feeds.

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