Changing Primary email account

  • I’ve read the instructions to change email account. However, the email address I’m now using is fairly new for me, it’s with Yahoo and my primary email address (with Verizon) is no longer active. Still, it won’t change. ((email visible only to moderators and staff))

    Can it possibly be that someone else has the same address as my new one with Yahoo? I thought Yahoo and other services checked to make certain all email addresses were unique?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • You have two separate email address settings at Have you entered two different email addresses at these locations (see below) or have you entered the same one at both locations?

    Blog notifications for the admin (like comment moderation, Likes, new subscriptions, etc) are sent to the email address at Settings -> General in the Dashboard.

    Personal notifications (like comments on your post, subscription emails, and upgrade renewals) are sent to the email address at Users -> Personal Settings in the Dashboard.

    See also > Issues Changing your E-mail Address >

  • There is a pending change of your e-mail to

    I’ve been with WordPress for a long, long time so I’m familiar with a lot of the methods and locations. Granted, I’ve not kept up my blog for awhile but would like to restart but the message I pasted in above is the one that stays on the Settings-General and the actual email address will not “correct” or change to my new one!


  • thistimethisspace · Member ·

    I’ll tag this thread for Staff assistance. Please subscribe to the thread so you are notified when they respond and please be patient while waiting.

  • Hi Janet,

    When you change the email address on your account, we send you an email at that new address to confirm your request. You’ll need to click the link in that email to confirm the change. Until then, the change will be listed as pending on your account.

    If you don’t see the confirmation email at your new email address, please check your spam or junk folder to see if it ended up there. If you have any further trouble with this, please let me know. :)

  • I have seen the confirmation email six times now, I click the link to confirm the change but it still says “pending.” Am I supposed to change the email address myself (again)? Is it going to change later?


  • I’ve just changed the e-mail address for you. Please let us know if you need any further assistance!

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