Changing post and page background color?

  • Hello,

    I have an old blog that I’m aiming to turn into a portfolio, and all my theme settings were grandfathered in perfectly from when WordPress was still free. (Keyword: “were.”)

    However, when I was playing with the settings today, the background color chosen for my posts and pages was somehow changed from the color that was initially chosen (note: not the page background, which was already set as a picture, without any issue).

    But since my blog was on the free version, I don’t even have access to that setting, and now I can’t change it back. I tried getting the paid version to get more in-depth color customization options in the hopes of fixing it, but I cannot find any option to change the post background. I’ve even tried playing around with the CSS a bit (I’m not a coder, so a lot of it is unfamiliar to me), but nothing I do seems to be able to fix it.

    No matter what I do, I can’t change the page and post background color from white back to the color that I had initially chosen. For context, I’ve tried a few of the CSS-related posts from on here, and the current one is as the one below. But again, I don’t code, and have no idea if this is a setting for desktop or mobile or what have you. As well, the theme I’m using is Quintus.

    /*Change background color on all posts*/
    .postarea {
    background-color: #E7B983;

    Any help on the matter is greatly appreciated! Thanks much.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,

    I see you’ve also submitted an email support ticket, so I’m closing this forum post as a duplicate. Someone from our team will follow up with you via email soon.

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