Changing my blog to another wordpress blog

  • I would like to export my whole blog to another wordpress blog but don’t want to lose my links etc. How do I make this happen without losing everything? Can it be done?

  • “don’t want to lose my links”
    No it can’t be done. When you export you loose your links. Understand that this has nothing to do with wordpress. Links are ephemeral.
    Technorati’s position is that

    “I’m afraid that we are unable combine links from different URLs at this time. Links are URL based and are unique citations to that blog at that point in time.
    However, I can mark “” as a duplicate so that indexing and link count will point to “” from here on. Would you like me to mark “” as a duplicate?”

  • Hi Jason,

    Here are a couple of FAQ entries that may relate:

    If you provide more details people will be able to provide more detailed answers.

    Also, be sure to use the search box as related questions able import, export and moving blogs are frequently asked and answered.


  • Hello Guys,

    Thanks for the feedback! So I should create another blog and export info out of the old and import it into the new one? I would also for the time being like you to point to my new one. Can you please assist me and let me know the steps to make this happen?

    Thanks so much!!!!

  • So I should create another blog and export info out of the old and import it into the new one?

    If that’s what you want to do, go for it. It’s totally up to you.

    I wouldn’t delete your old blog though. Once you do so, it’s gone and there’s no way for visitors to your older blog to find you.

    Staff can’t do any repointing of visitors. You can leave a last post and/ or a text widget mentioning that you’ve changed URLs.

    There’s a thread here on moving content.

    Hope this helps,

  • The whole reason that I have to change the blog name is because of a copyright issue. I had the company send me a letter last night. I had a feeling this could happen so I will need to delete the blog before November 27th. So from what I’m hearing, I can export my old blog, to a new blog. I will lose all my links and my blogroll. Not too much of a problem because I didn’t put many of my post into blogroll because I didn’t really know what it was for. Once I have exported the information out, I’m assuming that I can keep all my information as well as the look and feel of the template. Lastly, I’m also assuming it will take me a few weeks to get the blog in the search engines again. Do I have to create all my tags again?

    I’m sorry if I sound like an idiot its just that I have put a ton of time into this blog and would hate to import it incorrectly and since I’m under a time constraint, I’m scrambling to get this transfered over to another blog the best way.

    If there is a better way to do this please let me know.

    Thanks again for the ongoing help. You guys have been extremely helpful…

  • The whole reason that I have to change the blog name is because of a copyright issue.

    I’m sure Steve Jobs doesn’t have the and if that company aren’t going to sue……

    I’d ask them for expenses. LOTS of it too.

  • What on earth do you mean by *DELETE*? How cheeky they are. A blog is comprised of content. I would not capitulate and delete the contents of my blog readily simply over a blog title – no way. Changing the blog title and transferring to another blog url should be sufficient. *LOTS* of expenses would of course be involved in the effort involved in the transition to the new blog under the new name. *lol*
    The export/import instructions are in this thread

  • Mark- The letter I believe was sent to the president of wordpress and they cc’d me. I’m a little upset because now I have to change this whole blog around after 1500 posts. It looks like i’m starting to get some decent search engine results so I’m assuming thats how they found out about the blog. I’m sure once I make the switch I will be back here asking more crazy questions.

    Thanks to everyone for the help. Hopefully I don’t mess this all up.

  • I’d ask them for expenses. LOTS of it too.

    Hmm I wonder if I should give it a try. Oh Matt….


    Actually if it’s been sent to Matt or Toni, I’d wait until I heard from them or another staff member.

    But that’s just me and I’m not an attorney nor do I play one here on the forums. But you should see my legal bills. Last time I checked, I have about a dozen pending suits or “cease and desist’ orders. Webhosting’s fun…

  • Thanks drmike! For the time being I just tried importing all the information over to another blog url and it brought over just a small part of my blog and it doesn’t look anything like my first blog. Any recommendations???

    My new blog is Can you advise?

  • I notice on the new page there are two “About” tabs maybe that is affecting the formatting.

    If there are other issues, the nature of them is best to use the support form and be as detailed as possible.

  • Doesn’t look the same in what way?

    This About page is the demo Page that comes installed on a new blog. I’m sure you can go ahead and delete it. It would probably fix the issues with the tabs along the top.

  • The about button has been fixed Thanks!!! can you direct me to the support form so I can figure out how to get the rest of my blogs into

  • As this is the support forum I’m thinking that you must mean that you want to establish more blogs here. If that’s the case, then the page you want to register additional blogs is here

  • If there are other issues, the nature of them is best to use the support form and be as detailed as possible.

    Can someone lead me to the support form? I’m not looking to create more blogs I’m just looking to get all the information out of my current blog to a different wordpress blog. I exported the information over to the other blog but only about half of my posts came over on the import.

  • @jason
    Did you export your former blog contents to a blog that is either self hosted or through a web host? If so, then is the forum to go to. And if not, then you’re already in the support forum. And if you were exporting from one blog to another blog and did not get all the posts then send in a feedback to staff from the button on the top right hand corner of any blog page.

  • Very good. I am exporting from one wordpress blog to another wordpress blog. I will try the feedback button. Thanks for your help!!

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