Changing major elements of current theme completely

  • Hi all,

    I would like to request guidance and suggestions for a particular problem I am trying to solve.

    I am trying to change my blog’s look completely and strip it down to its most simple level. An example for what I am trying to do is this site-

    WhileI tried to edit my current theme, I was soon lost and there were many elements I couldn’t change. I have a basic knowledge of html and I am willing to learn anything needed to make my site better. I chose my current theme because of its layout that supported photography, but I did not understand how to use the feature.

    Can someone guide me by telling if this kinda change is possible within WordPress or if I have to work on the page seperately and then import the theme or if such a thing is even possible. Any help/suggestions will be appreciated.

    Thanks in advance.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,

    Modifying your theme in this way can only be done using custom CSS, which requires our premium plan, or by creating a child theme, which requires our Business Plan.

    Modifications of this extent is also beyond what we’re able to help with, so if you’re not able to work out the code you’d need for these changes yourself, you’ll need to hire a freelance developer to help you with that.

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