Changing Layout On Pages

  • As you can see from my home page, I have my newest posts in order and in squares, the default of the theme. I wanted a page to categorise them (as I am doing now, between “games” and “articles”) , but I want to keep the format of the squares, instead of a list (as displayed when clicking the categories page). I’ve tried to manually do it but I can never get the pictures to sit side by side. I tried putting them in a gallery but I can’t change their URL on my plan. Is this possible; to have them in the latest posts squares, but on their own page?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • The layout option for your theme are found here

    If the layout you want does not appear there then note what follows. Does Customize let me edit HTML?
    where there are set up instructions.

    If you have the Premium or Business upgrade and use Custom CSS, you can opt to apply custom CSS to a theme.

    Note 1: If you have the required upgrade you can use this link so you can create a thread that will appear in the CSS Forum where you will get the help you need with CSS editing.

    Note 2: You can also post there prior to purchasing an upgrade to get an answer to whether or not what you want to do can be accomplished via CSS editing.

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