Changing hyperlink color no longer works properly

  • For awhile now, every time I’ve tried to highlight a hyperlink and change its color to blue, it still shows up the default color. When I go into text mode, the color code shows up before the a href tag, and I have to copy and paste it after the a href every single time. It never used to do this. The blue, or whatever other link color I wanted, would show up properly without having to manually edit in text mode. This happened on another browser too, so it can’t be an issue with just one particular browser.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi @baryshnitsa,

    I’m looking at your site and thinking about your issue. There are a couple ways to work on this. One, are you on a Premium or Business plan? If so, we can drop custom CSS into your theme design so that every link in your post automatically becomes blue instead of the default avocado color. Then, you don’t have to edit in text mode.

    If not, get back to me and I’ll look into how that behavior works in the editor. It sounds annoying to have to manually change every link to the color you want.


  • Hi,
    Sorry to but in, but this has been driving me potty for a few months now.

    Please check the latest post below.


    If you look at the page, all the hyperlinks appear in pale gray on the live page but are in pale blue on the edit page. The editor no longer seems to work.

    I’m using the Free version of WordPress



  • Hi Ian,

    Thanks for checking in. In both Firefox and Chrome browsers, I’m seeing the links on your page, such as “Rosemere Cancer Foundation,” in a pale blue color. It goes to a darker blue when I hover the cursor over the link.

    It is turning gray after a page is “visited.” Designers can choose a third color for links, for the ones that have already been loaded by a user. Some designers override this and don’t show a visited color, but your theme design does. It’s the gray color you’re referencing. You can test this by clearing your history and loading your page again. There’s a walkthrough for this step:

    If you want to modify your site on this link color issue, it would be better to start a new thread. You’ll get the personalized response you need from the support community and we can focus on @baryshnitsa issues in this thread. Start a new post here:

    Thank you! Have a great day and happy blogging!

  • Hi Jesse,

    Thanks for the info. Just done a bit more digging.

    Check the site on a Windows 10 laptop using Chrome – Links are the correct colour. :)

    Check on a Samsung Tablet using Chrome – Links are the correct colour. :)

    My main computer is running Windows 7 using latest version of Chrome – Links are not correct. :(

    Also tried it using MS Explorer – Links are the correct colour. :)

    Must be the combination of Windows 7 and Chrome that is the problem. !

    Thanks again


  • I’m glad it works in most of the places you checked, Ian.

    Just to reiterate: the gray links are a part of the theme that’s a specifically made choice. To verify, try this:

    1. Load the page on a different computer or tablet or phone. Make sure the links are blue.
    2. Click a link and load that link’s page
    3. Click the back button
    4. That link should now be gray because it’s been visited

    It’s part of the styling the designers chose in creating your theme. Start a new thread if you’d like to change the theme so they don’t ever turn gray.

    Take care!

  • Both of my blogs are on a basic free plan. I’m having this issue with my secondary blog too ( The strange thing is, when I go to highlight my hyperlinks or regular text I’ve changed the color of, the background color on those lines shows up as blue. I’ve begun to wonder if I accidentally enabled some default formatting setting.

  • Hi @baryshnitsa,

    Thanks for checking back in.

    I’ve played around in the editor a bit to understand what you mean, and I observe a few things happening.

    First, keeps its system up to date, and that includes updates to the editor. Changes are being committed all the time. That means the programmers are updating the way works and you’re seeing the results of those updates the next time you log in to write a blog entry. Ideally, this makes for a better and better experience. It can also, unfortunately, mess up a comfortable workflow.

    I’m going to call in a staff person and catch them up on our conversation to review how this is working in the editor.

    Second, the background color on a selection is a design choice happening in the editor window. It won’t affect your posts. It’s selected either by a web designer with a “text selection” highlight color choice, or changes based on what browser you use. For a parallel example, if you select the text on this page, it has a color that will be powder blue in Safari and Chrome on a Mac or a richer blue in Firefox or Chrome on Windows. Whichever color it is should also match the background color you’re seeing in the editor. If it doesn’t, then we’re talking about two different things. If that’s the case, please correct me.

    Thanks for your patience as staff responds.


  • @jessestu
    I already tagged this thread for Staff support.

  • Catching staff up

    Hi staff,

    The visual editor seems to have changed from what @baryshnitsa is used to doing. If @baryshnitsa creates a link and then, with the same text selected, adds a color to change the link, the color does not take effect. The “span” tag defining the color generates outside of the “a” tag, and the predefined style sheet wins out. The user then has to edit in HTML mode to move the “span” tag inside the “a” tag.

    Do you know if this is a feature, a bug, or if there is a better practice for coloring links?


  • Thank you, @timethief. Someday, maybe just someday, I will stop running over your work!

  • We’ve actually got a bug report on this issue here:

    As a workaround in the meantime, you can go to wp-admin to edit the post, then change the color first, then add a link.

    I hope that helps.

  • Thank you, @supernovia.

    @baryshnitsa, may you enjoy your blogging!

  • I cannot change the color of text in my blog, everything else is selltled. This is everywhere but the posts

  • Hi @lbbmarketing,

    Thanks for checking in. You can learn about what your options are on customizing your text color on this page about the Customizer.

    If that does not answer how you want to adjust your blog’s font color, you will be better served if you start a new thread. You’ll get the personalized response you need from the support community and we can focus on the original poster’s request in this thread. Start a new post here if your issue has not been resolved:

    It would also help if you say a little more about what part of your text you want to adjust. For instance, if you want the section called FROM THE DESK OF BARRY EVANS to change, please let us know in your new post.

    Have a good day!

  • Thanks @jessestu :)

    @lbbmarketing custom design would suit you well since it gives you CSS control over the colors and even the layout. If you get that, let us know and we’ll help you get started.

  • I will go ahead and close this thread, though, since it’s about hyperlinks. Let us know in a new thread if you need more help.

  • The topic ‘Changing hyperlink color no longer works properly’ is closed to new replies.